Human Physiology:Digestion and Absorption – 4

Digestion system

graph TD; A(Digestion System); A --> B(Mouth); A --> C(Esophagus); A --> D(Stomach); A --> E(Small Intestine); A --> F(Large Intestine); A --> G(Rectum); A --> H(Anus); B --> I(Salivary Glands); D --> J(Gastric Glands); E --> K(Pancreas); E --> L(Liver); E --> M(Gallbladder);


graph TB Carbohydrate Carbohydrate --> Monosaccharides Carbohydrate --> Disaccharides Carbohydrate --> Polysaccharides Monosaccharides --> Glucose Monosaccharides --> Fructose Disaccharides --> Sucrose Disaccharides --> Lactose Polysaccharides --> Starch Polysaccharides --> Glycogen Polysaccharides --> Cellulose


graph TB Ingestion Ingestion --> Mechanical_Processes Mechanical_Processes --> Chewing Mechanical_Processes --> Swallowing Ingestion --> Chemical_Processes Chemical_Processes --> Saliva Chemical_Processes --> Stomach_Acid Ingestion --> Absorption Absorption --> Small_Intestine Absorption --> Large_Intestine Ingestion --> Elimination Elimination --> Rectum Elimination --> Anus


graph TD; Mastication --> Teeth; Mastication --> Saliva; Mastication --> Jaw_Muscles; Teeth --> Incisors; Teeth --> Canines; Teeth --> Premolars; Teeth --> Molars; Saliva --> Enzymes; Saliva --> Lubrication; Jaw_Muscles --> Masseter; Jaw_Muscles --> Temporalis; Jaw_Muscles --> Pterygoid;

Buccal cavity

graph TB A[Buccal Cavity] A --> B[Definition] A --> C[Structure] C --> D1[Teeth] C --> D2[Tongue] C --> D3[Salivary Glands] A --> E[Functions] E --> F1[Ingestion] E --> F2[Digestion] E --> F3[Respiration] A --> G[Diseases] G --> H1[Dental Caries] G --> H2[Gingivitis] G --> H3[Oral Cancer]

Small Intestine

graph TD; A[Small Intestine] --> B[Duodenum]; A --> C[Jejunum]; A --> D[Ileum]; B --> E[Bile and pancreatic enzymes]; B --> F[Digestion of food]; C --> G[Absorption of nutrients]; D --> H[Absorption of vitamin B12 and bile salts]; E --> I[Emulsification of fats]; F --> J[Breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats]; G --> K[Absorption of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids]; H --> L[Reabsorption of bile salts for recycling];


graph TB Protein --> AminoAcids Protein --> Structure Structure --> Primary Structure --> Secondary Structure --> Tertiary Structure --> Quaternary Protein --> Functions Functions --> Enzymes Functions --> Hormones Functions --> Antibodies Functions --> StructuralComponents Protein --> Synthesis Synthesis --> Transcription Synthesis --> Translation

Protein digestion

graph TD; A[Protein Digestion] --> B[Ingestion]; A --> C[Digestion in Stomach]; A --> D[Digestion in Small Intestine]; B --> E[Protein Intake]; C --> F[Gastric Juice]; C --> G[Pepsin]; D --> H[Bile]; D --> I[Pancreatic Juice]; D --> J[Intestinal Juice]; F --> K[HCl]; G --> L[Peptides]; I --> M[Trypsin]; J --> N[Peptidases]; M --> O[Peptides]; N --> P[Amino Acids];


graph TB A[Fat] A --> B1[Lipids] A --> B2[Saturated Fats] A --> B3[Unsaturated Fats] B1 --> C1[Triglycerides] B1 --> C2[Phospholipids] B1 --> C3[Sterols] B2 --> D1[Animal Fats] B2 --> D2[Tropical Oils] B3 --> E1[Monounsaturated Fats] B3 --> E2[Polyunsaturated Fats]


graph TB A[DNA RNA] A --> B[DNA] B --> C[Deoxyribonucleic Acid] C --> D1[Double Helix Structure] C --> D2[Contains Genetic Information] A --> E[RNA] E --> F[Ribonucleic Acid] F --> G1[Single Stranded] F --> G2[Involved in Protein Synthesis]


graph TD; A[Summary] --> B((Biology)); B --> C{Cell Biology}; C --> D[DNA]; C --> E[Cell Structure]; B --> F{Genetics}; F --> G[Genes]; F --> H[Hereditary]; B --> I{Ecology}; I --> J[Population]; I --> K[Ecosystem];