Human Physiology:Digestion and Absorption – 2


graph TB A[Tongue] A --> B1[Anatomy of Tongue] A --> B2[Taste Buds] A --> B3[Muscles of Tongue] A --> B4[Functions of Tongue] B1 --> C1[Upper Surface] B1 --> C2[Lower Surface] B1 --> C3[Tip of Tongue] B1 --> C4[Base of Tongue] B2 --> D1[Sweet] B2 --> D2[Sour] B2 --> D3[Salty] B2 --> D4[Bitter] B2 --> D5[Umami] B3 --> E1[Intrinsic Muscles] B3 --> E2[Extrinsic Muscles] B4 --> F1[Speech] B4 --> F2[Tasting] B4 --> F3[Swallowing] B4 --> F4[Cleaning Teeth]

Dental Formula

graph TD; A[Dental Formula] --> B[Human]; A --> C[Dog]; A --> D[Cat]; B --> E[Incisors]; B --> F[Canines]; B --> G[Premolars]; B --> H[Molars]; C --> I[Incisors]; C --> J[Canines]; C --> K[Premolars]; C --> L[Molars]; D --> M[Incisors]; D --> N[Canines]; D --> O[Premolars]; D --> P[Molars];


graph TB Pharynx --> Nasopharynx Pharynx --> Oropharynx Pharynx --> Laryngopharynx Nasopharynx --> "Connection to Nasal Cavities" Oropharynx --> "Connection to Oral Cavity" Laryngopharynx --> "Connection to Larynx"


graph TB Stomach --> GastricJuices Stomach --> GastricWalls GastricJuices --> HydrochloricAcid GastricJuices --> Pepsin GastricWalls --> Mucosa GastricWalls --> Submucosa GastricWalls --> Muscularis GastricWalls --> Serosa


graph TB Function --> Cell_Function Function --> Organ_Function Function --> System_Function Function --> Organism_Function Cell_Function --> Metabolism Cell_Function --> Reproduction Organ_Function --> Digestion Organ_Function --> Respiration System_Function --> Circulatory_System System_Function --> Nervous_System Organism_Function --> Growth Organism_Function --> Adaptation

Small Intestine

graph TD; A[Small Intestine] --> B[Duodenum]; A --> C[Jejunum]; A --> D[Ileum]; B --> E[Bile and pancreatic enzymes are released here]; C --> F[Main site for nutrient absorption]; D --> G[Connects to the large intestine];

Large Intestine

graph TD; A[Large Intestine] --> B((Cecum)); A --> C{Ascending Colon}; A --> D[Transverse Colon]; A --> E{Descending Colon}; A --> F((Sigmoid Colon)); A --> G[Rectum]; A --> H{Anal Canal};