Human Physiology:Chemical Coordination and Integration – 2

The Pineal Gland

graph TB A[Pineal Gland] A --> B[Location] B --> B1[Center of the Brain] A --> C[Function] C --> C1[Melatonin Production] C --> C2[Regulation of Sleep-Wake Cycle] A --> D[Anatomy] D --> D1[Pea-sized Gland] D --> D2[Located Near the Center of the Brain] A --> E[Associated Disorders] E --> E1[Sleep Disorders] E --> E2[Certain Types of Cancer] E --> E3[Depression]

The Thyriod Gland

graph TD; A[Thyroid Gland] --> B[Anatomy]; A --> C[Functions]; A --> D[Hormones]; B --> E[Thyroid Follicles]; B --> F[Parafollicular Cells]; C --> G[Metabolism Regulation]; C --> H[Calcium Homeostasis]; D --> I[Triiodothyronine (T3)]; D --> J[Thyroxine (T4)]; D --> K[Calcitonin];

Diseases Of The Thyroid

graph TD; A[Diseases Of The Thyroid]; B[Hypothyroidism]; C[Hyperthyroidism]; D[Goiter]; E[Thyroiditis]; F[Thyroid Cancer]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; B-->G[Symptoms]; B-->H[Treatment]; C-->I[Symptoms]; C-->J[Treatment]; D-->K[Symptoms]; D-->L[Treatment]; E-->M[Symptoms]; E-->N[Treatment]; F-->O[Symptoms]; F-->P[Treatment];

The Parathyroid Gland

graph TD; A[Parathyroid Gland] --> B[Location]; B --> C[Behind the Thyroid Gland]; A --> D[Function]; D --> E[Regulates Calcium Levels]; A --> F[Disorders]; F --> G[Hyperparathyroidism]; F --> H[Hypoparathyroidism];

The Thymus Gland

graph TD; A[The Thymus Gland] --> B[Location]; A --> C[Function]; A --> D[Anatomy]; A --> E[Diseases]; B --> F[Upper Anterior Thorax]; C --> G[Immune System Development]; C --> H[T Cell Maturation]; D --> I[Two Lobes]; D --> J[Thymic Epithelial Cells]; E --> K[Thymoma]; E --> L[Thymic Hyperplasia]; E --> M[DiGeorge Syndrome];

The Adrenal Gland

graph TB AG[Adrenal Gland] AG --> AC[Adrenal Cortex] AG --> AM[Adrenal Medulla] AC --> MC[Mineralocorticoids] AC --> GC[Glucocorticoids] AC --> SA[Sex Hormones] AM --> E[Ephinephrine] AM --> NE[Norepinephrine]

Catecholamines:The Medullary Hormones

graph TD A[Catecholamines: The Medullary Hormones] A --> B[Subtopic 1] A --> C[Subtopic 2] B --> D[Sub-subtopic 1] C --> E[Sub-subtopic 2]

The Hormones Of The Adrenal Cortex

graph TB A[The Hormones Of The Adrenal Cortex] A --> B[Mineralocorticoids] A --> C[Glucocorticoids] A --> D[Adrenal Androgens] B --> E[Aldosterone] C --> F[Cortisol] D --> G[Dehydroepiandrosterone] E --> H[Regulates sodium and potassium balance] F --> I[Regulates body's response to stress] G --> J[Contributes to the development of secondary sexual characteristics]

The Glucocorticoids

graph TD; A[The Glucocorticoids] B[Types of Glucocorticoids] C[Functions of Glucocorticoids] D[Effects of Glucocorticoids] E[Regulation of Glucocorticoids] F[Disorders related to Glucocorticoids] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F B -->|Cortisol| G B -->|Corticosterone| H C -->|Regulate metabolism| I C -->|Suppress immune system| J D -->|Anti-inflammatory effects| K D -->|Effects on mood and behavior| L E -->|Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis| M F -->|Cushing's syndrome| N F -->|Addison's disease| O

The Pancreas

graph TD; A[Pancreas] --> B[Functions]; B --> C[Endocrine Function]; C --> D[Insulin Production]; C --> E[Glucagon Production]; B --> F[Exocrine Function]; F --> G[Digestive Enzyme Production]; A --> H[Anatomy]; H --> I[Head of Pancreas]; H --> J[Body of Pancreas]; H --> K[Tail of Pancreas]; A --> L[Diseases]; L --> M[Pancreatitis]; L --> N[Pancreatic Cancer]; L --> O[Diabetes];

Diabetes Mellitus

graph TB A[Diabetes Mellitus] B[Type 1 Diabetes] C[Type 2 Diabetes] D[Gestational Diabetes] E[Symptoms] F[Treatment] G[Prevention] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G B -->|Insulin Dependent| E C -->|Non-Insulin Dependent| E D -->|Occurs during pregnancy| E E -->|High blood sugar, frequent urination, increased thirst| F F -->|Insulin therapy, diet, exercise| G G -->|Healthy lifestyle, regular checkups|

The Androgens

graph TD; A[Androgens] --> B[Testosterone] A --> C[Androstenedione] A --> D[Dihydrotestosterone] B --> E[...] C --> F[...] D --> G[...]

The Ovary

graph TD; A[The Ovary]; B[Anatomy of the Ovary]; C[Functions of the Ovary]; D[Ovarian Cycle]; E[Ovarian Disorders]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F[Outer Cortex]; B-->G[Inner Medulla]; C-->H[Ovulation]; C-->I[Estrogen Production]; D-->J[Follicular Phase]; D-->K[Ovulation Phase]; D-->L[Luteal Phase]; E-->M[Polycystic Ovary Syndrome]; E-->N[Ovarian Cancer];

Hormones Of The Heart,Kedney And Gastrointestnal Tract

graph TD; A[Hormones] --> B[Heart]; A --> C[Kidney]; A --> D[Gastrointestinal Tract]; B --> E[ANP]; B --> F[BNP]; C --> G[Erythropoietin]; C --> H[Renin]; D --> I[Gastrin]; D --> J[Secretin]; D --> K[Cholecystokinin];