Human Physiology:Breathing and Exchange of Gases – 2

Mechanism of Breathing

graph TB A[Mechanism of Breathing] A --> B[Inhalation] B --> C[Diaphragm contracts] B --> D[Rib cage expands] B --> E[Air is drawn into the lungs] A --> F[Exhalation] F --> G[Diaphragm relaxes] F --> H[Rib cage contracts] F --> I[Air is expelled from the lungs]

Graphical Vol

graph TD; A[Graphical Vol] --> B((Biology)); B --> C{Cell Biology}; B --> D[Genetics]; B --> E[Ecology]; B --> F[Evolution];

Lung Volumes

graph TB LV("Lung Volumes") LV --> TV("Tidal Volume") LV --> IRV("Inspiratory Reserve Volume") LV --> ERV("Expiratory Reserve Volume") LV --> RV("Residual Volume") LV --> IC("Inspiratory Capacity") LV --> FRC("Functional Residual Capacity") LV --> VC("Vital Capacity") LV --> TLC("Total Lung Capacity")

Exchange of Gases

graph TD; A[Exchange of Gases]; B[Respiratory Surfaces]; C[Methods of Gas Exchange]; D[Human Respiratory System]; E[Gas Exchange in Plants]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F[Skin]; B-->G[Gills]; B-->H[Lungs]; C-->I[Diffusion]; C-->J[Active Transport]; D-->K[Nose]; D-->L[Trachea]; D-->M[Lungs]; D-->N[Alveoli]; E-->O[Stomata]; E-->P[Photosynthesis];

Partial Pressure of o2 and co2

graph TB A[Partial Pressure] --> B[O2] A --> C[CO2] B --> D[Definition] B --> E[Factors affecting O2 partial pressure] C --> F[Definition] C --> G[Factors affecting CO2 partial pressure] D --> H[Partial pressure of O2 is the pressure that O2 would have if it alone occupied the volume] E --> I[Altitude] E --> J[Temperature] F --> K[Partial pressure of CO2 is the pressure that CO2 would have if it alone occupied the volume] G --> L[Respiration Rate] G --> M[Exercise]