Griffith Experiment

Griffith Experiment

graph TB A[Griffith Experiment] A --> B[Materials] B --> B1[Heat-killed S strain] B --> B2[Living R strain] B --> B3[Mice] A --> C[Procedure] C --> C1[Inject mice with heat-killed S strain] C --> C2[Inject mice with living R strain] C --> C3[Inject mice with mixture of heat-killed S strain and living R strain] A --> D[Results] D --> D1[Mice injected with heat-killed S strain survived] D --> D2[Mice injected with living R strain survived] D --> D3[Mice injected with mixture of heat-killed S strain and living R strain died] A --> E[Conclusion] E --> E1[Living R strain transformed into virulent S strain] E --> E2[Discovery of bacterial transformation]