Genetics and Evolution: Molecular Basis of Inheritance – 9

What do you mean by protien Synthesis

Which enzymes helps in charging og tRNA

Which codon is called initiation codon

What do you mean by StopCodon

What are the role of Ribosomes

Initiation of protien Synthesis

Bacterial Ribosome

Eukaryotic Ribosomes


Initiator Factors

Steps of Initiation of prokaryotes

mRNA binds to the small subunit of the ribosome

Intiator tRNA binds to the mRNA through base pairing between the codon and anticodon

Steps of Initiation on Eukaryotes

Elongation of protien chain

Elongation occurs in three phase

graph TD; A[Elongation occurs in three phases]; A --> B[Phase 1]; A --> C[Phase 2]; A --> D[Phase 3]; B --> E[Details of Phase 1]; C --> F[Details of Phase 2]; D --> G[Details of Phase 3];

Delivery of charged tRNA to the a site

graph TD; A[Delivery of charged tRNA to the A site] --> B[Step 1: Binding of tRNA to A site]; B --> C[Step 2: Peptide bond formation]; C --> D[Step 3: Translocation]; D --> E[Step 4: Release of uncharged tRNA]; E --> F[Step 5: Binding of new charged tRNA]; F --> G[Step 6: Repeat process until stop codon is reached];

Termination of protien Synthesis

graph TD; A[Termination of Protein Synthesis]; A --> B1[Release Factor]; B1 --> C1[RF1]; B1 --> C2[RF2]; B1 --> C3[RF3]; A --> B2[Stop Codon]; B2 --> C4[UAA]; B2 --> C5[UAG]; B2 --> C6[UGA]; A --> B3[Peptidyl Transferase]; B3 --> C7[Hydrolysis]; A --> B4[Post Termination]; B4 --> C8[Ribosome Recycling]; B4 --> C9[Protein Folding];

Deconstruction of ribosomal complex

graph TD; A[Deconstruction of Ribosomal Complex]; B[Subunit Separation]; C[Ribosomal Proteins]; D[Ribosomal RNAs]; E[Associated Factors]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F[Initiation Factors]; B-->G[Translocation Factors]; C-->H[Protein Synthesis]; C-->I[Protein Folding]; D-->J[RNA Synthesis]; D-->K[RNA Folding]; E-->L[Energy Consumption]; E-->M[Regulation];