Genetics and Evolution: Concepts Summary and Evolution – 1


graph TD; Mendel-->Pea_Plants; Mendel-->Laws_of_Inheritance; Pea_Plants-->Law_of_Segregation; Pea_Plants-->Law_of_Independent_Assortment; Laws_of_Inheritance-->Law_of_Segregation; Laws_of_Inheritance-->Law_of_Independent_Assortment; Law_of_Segregation-->Genotype; Law_of_Segregation-->Phenotype; Law_of_Independent_Assortment-->Genotype; Law_of_Independent_Assortment-->Phenotype;


graph TD; A[Photosynthesis] B[Light-Dependent Reactions] C[Light-Independent Reactions] D[Chlorophyll] E[Sunlight] F[Water] G[Carbon Dioxide] H[Oxygen] I[Glucose] A --> B A --> C B --> D B --> E B --> F C --> G C --> I D --> E E --> F F --> H G --> I


graph TB A[Evolution] A --> B[Natural Selection] A --> C[Genetic Drift] A --> D[Mutation] A --> E[Gene Flow] B --> F[Survival of the Fittest] C --> G[Random Changes in Small Populations] D --> H[Changes in DNA] E --> I[Transfer of Genes between Populations]

Origin of Universe

graph TB A[Origin of Universe] A --> B[Big Bang Theory] A --> C[Steady State Theory] B --> D[Inflation] B --> E[Formation of galaxies] C --> F[Continuous creation] D --> G[Quantum fluctuations] E --> H[Star formation] E --> I[Chemical evolution] H --> J[Stellar nucleosynthesis] I --> K[Origin of life]

The Primitive of Earth

graph TB A[The Primitive of Earth] B[Biology] C[Life Forms] D[Evolution] E[Environment] F[Geology] G[Atmosphere] H[Oceans] I[Landmasses] J[Flora] K[Fauna] L[Microorganisms] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F F --> G F --> H F --> I I --> J I --> K I --> L

Theory of Biogenesis

graph TB Biogenesis[Theory of Biogenesis] Biogenesis --> Life[Life Origin] Life --> Spontaneous[Spontaneous Generation] Spontaneous --> Louis[Louis Pasteur] Louis --> Experiment[Pasteur's Experiment] Biogenesis --> Modern[Modern Biogenesis Theories] Modern --> RNA[RNA World Hypothesis] Modern --> Panspermia[Panspermia Theory] Modern --> Hydrothermal[Hydrothermal Vent Theory]

Origin of cellular forms

graph TD; A[Origin of Cellular Forms]; B[Prokaryotic Cells]; C[Eukaryotic Cells]; D[First Cellular Life]; E[Evolution of Complexity]; F[Endosymbiotic Theory]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; C-->F; classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class A,B,C,D,E,F default;


graph TD; A[Conclusion] --> B((Biology)) B --> C[Cell Biology] B --> D[Genetics] B --> E[Ecology] B --> F[Evolution] C --> G[Cell Structure] C --> H[Cell Function] D --> I[DNA] D --> J[Genes] E --> K[Population Biology] E --> L[Community Ecology] F --> M[Natural Selection] F --> N[Speciation]

Theories of Evolution

graph TD; A[Theories of Evolution]; B[Lamarck's Theory]; C[Darwin's Theory]; D[Modern Synthetic Theory]; E[Neutral Theory]; F[Mutation Theory]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; B-->G[Use and Disuse of Organs]; B-->H[Inheritance of Acquired Characters]; C-->I[Natural Selection]; C-->J[Survival of the Fittest]; D-->K[Genetic Variations]; D-->L[Natural Selection]; D-->M[Genetic Drift]; E-->N[Genetic Drift]; E-->O[Fixed Rate of Mutation]; F-->P[Random Mutations]; F-->Q[Non-Adaptive Changes];

Criticism of Lamarcks Theory

graph TD; A[Criticism of Lamarcks Theory]; B[Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics]; C[Use and Disuse Theory]; D[No Genetic Basis]; E[Lack of Experimental Evidence]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E;

Theory of Natural Selection

graph TD; A[Theory of Natural Selection]; B[Variation]; C[Inheritance]; D[High Rate of Population Growth]; E[Differential Survival and Reproduction]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F{Genetic Variation}; B-->G{Environmental Variation}; C-->H{Genetic Traits}; C-->I{Acquired Traits}; D-->J{Struggle for Existence}; E-->K{Survival of the Fittest}; E-->L{Adaptation};