Difference Between Self And Cross Pollination

Difference Between Self And Cross Pollination

graph TD; A[Difference Between Self And Cross Pollination]; B[Self Pollination]; C[Cross Pollination]; D[Definition]; E[Definition]; F[Advantages]; G[Advantages]; H[Disadvantages]; I[Disadvantages]; J[Examples]; K[Examples]; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D[Transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower]; C-->E[Transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower]; B-->F[No need for pollinators, less energy and time consuming]; C-->G[Genetic diversity, adaptation to changing environments]; B-->H[Less genetic variation, risk of inbreeding]; C-->I[Requires pollinators, more energy and time consuming]; B-->J[Peas, orchids]; C-->K[Most flowering plants, grasses];