Development Of Seed

Development Of Seed

graph TD; A[Development Of Seed]; B[Fertilization]; C[Embryo Development]; D[Seed Maturation]; E[Seed Dispersal]; F[Seed Germination]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E; E-->F; B-->|Process 1|G[Syngamy]; B-->|Process 2|H[Double Fertilization]; C-->|Stage 1|I[Zygote]; C-->|Stage 2|J[Proembryo]; C-->|Stage 3|K[Mature Embryo]; D-->|Phase 1|L[Cell Enlargement]; D-->|Phase 2|M[Accumulation of Storage Materials]; D-->|Phase 3|N[Desiccation]; E-->|Method 1|O[Wind]; E-->|Method 2|P[Water]; E-->|Method 3|Q[Animals]; F-->|Step 1|R[Imbibition]; F-->|Step 2|S[Activation of Metabolism]; F-->|Step 3|T[Emergence of Radicle];