Cranials And Facial Bones

Cranials And Facial Bones

graph TD; A[Cranials And Facial Bones]; B[Cranial Bones]; C[Facial Bones]; D[Frontal Bone]; E[Parietal Bone]; F[Temporal Bone]; G[Occipital Bone]; H[Sphenoid Bone]; I[Ethmoid Bone]; J[Maxilla]; K[Mandible]; L[Zygomatic Bone]; M[Nasal Bone]; N[Lacrimal Bone]; O[Palatine Bone]; P[Vomer]; Q[Inferior Nasal Conchae]; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; B-->E; B-->F; B-->G; B-->H; B-->I; C-->J; C-->K; C-->L; C-->M; C-->N; C-->O; C-->P; C-->Q;