Cell Structure and Function:Biomolecules – 5

Answers of question asked

graph TD; A[Answers of question asked] --> B[Biology]; B --> C1[Cell Biology]; B --> C2[Genetics]; B --> C3[Evolution]; B --> C4[Ecology]; C1 --> D1[What is a cell?]; C2 --> D2[What is DNA?]; C3 --> D3[What is natural selection?]; C4 --> D4[What is an ecosystem?];


graph TD; Enzyme --> Types_of_Enzymes; Types_of_Enzymes --> Oxidoreductases; Types_of_Enzymes --> Transferases; Types_of_Enzymes --> Hydrolases; Types_of_Enzymes --> Lyases; Types_of_Enzymes --> Isomerases; Types_of_Enzymes --> Ligases; Enzyme --> Enzyme_Structure; Enzyme_Structure --> Primary_Structure; Enzyme_Structure --> Secondary_Structure; Enzyme_Structure --> Tertiary_Structure; Enzyme_Structure --> Quaternary_Structure; Enzyme --> Enzyme_Function; Enzyme_Function --> Metabolic_Pathways; Enzyme_Function --> Energy_Production; Enzyme_Function --> Digestion; Enzyme_Function --> DNA_Synthesis;

Chemistry of Enzyme

graph TD; A[Chemistry of Enzyme]; A --> B[Types of Enzymes]; B --> B1[Hydrolases]; B --> B2[Isomerases]; B --> B3[Ligases]; B --> B4[Lyases]; B --> B5[Oxidoreductases]; B --> B6[Transferases]; A --> C[Enzyme Structure]; C --> C1[Primary Structure]; C --> C2[Secondary Structure]; C --> C3[Tertiary Structure]; C --> C4[Quaternary Structure]; A --> D[Enzyme Kinetics]; D --> D1[Michaelis-Menten Equation]; D --> D2[Enzyme Inhibition]; D --> D3[Enzyme Cofactors];


graph TD; A[Cofactors] B[Types of Cofactors] C[Functions of Cofactors] D[Examples of Cofactors] E[Role in Metabolic Reactions] F[Deficiency Diseases] A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; B-->G[Prosthetic Groups] B-->H[Coenzymes] B-->I[Metal Ions] D-->J[Vitamin B12] D-->K[Coenzyme Q] D-->L[Magnesium Ion] F-->M[Beriberi] F-->N[Pellagra] F-->O[Scurvy]

Classification of Enzyme

graph TD; A[Classification of Enzyme] --> B((Oxidoreductases)) A --> C((Transferases)) A --> D((Hydrolases)) A --> E((Lyases)) A --> F((Isomerases)) A --> G((Ligases)) B --> H[Example: Dehydrogenases] C --> I[Example: Kinases] D --> J[Example: Lipases] E --> K[Example: Decarboxylases] F --> L[Example: Racemases] G --> M[Example: Synthetases]

Reaction pathway

graph TD; A[Reaction Pathway] --> B((Subtopic 1)); A --> C(Subtopic 2); B --> D{Subtopic 1.1}; C --> E[Subtopic 2.1];

The effect of temperature

graph TB A[The effect of temperature] B[Enzyme Activity] C[Cell Metabolism] D[Protein Structure] E[Rate of Reaction] F[Photosynthesis] G[Respiration] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G
