Cell Structure and Function: Cell The Unit of Life-1

Cell Theory

graph TB A[Cell Theory] A --> B1[All living things are composed of cells] A --> B2[Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things] A --> B3[New cells are produced from existing cells] B1 --> C1[Discovery by Robert Hooke] B1 --> C2[Further studies by Anton van Leeuwenhoek] B2 --> D1[Cellular Organization] B2 --> D2[Metabolism] B2 --> D3[Homeostasis] B3 --> E1[Mitosis] B3 --> E2[Meiosis]

Classification of bacteria based on shape

graph TB Bacteria --> Cocci Bacteria --> Bacilli Bacteria --> Spirilla Cocci --> Diplococci Cocci --> Streptococci Cocci --> Staphylococci Bacilli --> Single_Bacilli Bacilli --> Diplobacilli Bacilli --> Streptobacilli Spirilla --> Single_Spirilla Spirilla --> Vibrios Spirilla --> Spirochetes

Steps in gram staining

graph TD; A[Steps in Gram Staining]; A --> B[Step 1: Crystal Violet]; A --> C[Step 2: Iodine Treatment]; A --> D[Step 3: Alcohol Wash]; A --> E[Step 4: Safranin Counterstain]; B --> F[Stains cell wall purple]; C --> G[Binds to crystal violet and forms a complex]; D --> H[Decolorizes cells]; E --> I[Stains decolorized cells pink]; F --> J[All bacteria]; G --> K[All bacteria]; H --> L[Gram-positive bacteria retain color]; H --> M[Gram-negative bacteria lose color]; I --> N[Gram-negative bacteria];

Structure of a Bacterial Cell

graph TB A[Structure of a Bacterial Cell] A --> B[Cell Wall] A --> C[Cell Membrane] A --> D[Cytoplasm] A --> E[Nucleoid] A --> F[Plasmids] A --> G[Ribosomes] A --> H[Flagella] A --> I[Pili] A --> J[Capsule] B --> K[Peptidoglycan Layer] C --> L[Phospholipid Bilayer] D --> M[Metabolic Enzymes] E --> N[DNA] F --> O[Extra-chromosomal DNA] G --> P[Protein Synthesis] H --> Q[Motility] I --> R[DNA Transfer] J --> S[Protection]

Structure of Cell Membrane

graph TB A[Cell Membrane] B[Phospholipid Bilayer] C[Proteins] D[Cholesterol] E[Carbohydrates] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E B --> F{Hydrophilic Head} B --> G{Hydrophobic Tail} C --> H{Integral Proteins} C --> I{Peripheral Proteins} D --> J{Regulates Fluidity} E --> K{Cell Recognition}

Cell Wall

graph TB A[Cell Wall] B[Primary Cell Wall] C[Secondary Cell Wall] D[Middle Lamella] E[Functions] F[Composition] G[Plants] H[Fungi] I[Bacteria] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F F --> G F --> H F --> I E -->|Protection| A E -->|Structure| A E -->|Transport| A


graph TD; A[Centriole] --> B[Structure]; A --> C[Function]; B --> D[Microtubules]; B --> E[Cartwheel Structure]; C --> F[Cell Division]; C --> G[Cilia and Flagella Formation]; D --> H[9 sets of triplet microtubules]; E --> I[9-fold radial symmetry]; F --> J[Spindle Formation]; G --> K[Motility];