Biotechnology and Its Application Part-3

Ethical Issues

graph TB A[Ethical Issues] B[Bioethics] C[Genetic Engineering] D[Cloning] E[Animal Testing] F[Environmental Ethics] G[Medical Ethics] H[Genetic Privacy] I[Stem Cell Research] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G A --> H A --> I

The Problem of Food Security

graph TB A[The Problem of Food Security] B[Biology] C[Climate Change] D[Population Growth] E[Agricultural Practices] F[Genetic Modification] G[Soil Fertility] H[Water Availability] I[Pest and Disease Management] J[Food Distribution] K[Political Factors] L[Economic Factors] A --> B B --> C B --> D B --> E E --> F E --> G E --> H E --> I A --> J A --> K A --> L

Benefits of GM crops

graph TD; A[Benefits of GM crops]; B[Increased Yield]; C[Resistance to Pests]; D[Climate Resilience]; E[Nutritional Improvement]; F[Lower Farming Costs]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F;

Health risk of GM crops

graph TD; A[Health risk of GM crops]; B[Allergenicity]; C[Gene Transfer]; D[Outcrossing]; E[Unknown effects on human health]; F[Resistance to antibiotics]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F;

Pharmaceutical Products

graph TD; A[Pharmaceutical Products]; B[Biology]; C[Subtopic 1]; D[Subtopic 2]; E[Subtopic 3]; F[Subtopic 4]; G[Subtopic 5]; A-->B; B-->C; B-->D; B-->E; B-->F; B-->G;

Ethics of Disease Prevention

graph TD; A[Ethics of Disease Prevention]; B[Biological Considerations]; C[Ethical Considerations]; D[Social Considerations]; E[Legal Considerations]; F[Preventive Measures]; G[Public Health]; H[Individual Rights]; I[Informed Consent]; J[Equity]; K[Accessibility]; L[Effectiveness]; M[Risks]; N[Benefits]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F; C-->G; C-->H; D-->I; D-->J; E-->K; E-->L; F-->M; F-->N;

Patenting traditional Knowledge

graph TB A[Patenting Traditional Knowledge] A --> B[Definition] A --> C[Importance] A --> D[Challenges] B --> E[What is Patenting] B --> F[What is Traditional Knowledge] C --> G[Protection of Indigenous Rights] C --> H[Promotion of Biodiversity] D --> I[Legal Issues] D --> J[Cultural Sensitivity]



graph TB Neem -->|Azadirachta indica| AI AI -->|Family| Meliaceae AI -->|Order| Sapindales AI -->|Kingdom| Plantae AI -->|Uses| U[Medicinal, Pesticide, Cosmetics] AI -->|Parts Used| P[Leaves, Seeds, Bark, Flowers]


graph TD; Turmeric -->|Species| CurcumaLonga; Turmeric -->|Family| Zingiberaceae; Turmeric -->|Order| Zingiberales; Turmeric -->|Class| Liliopsida; Turmeric -->|Phylum| Tracheophyta; Turmeric -->|Kingdom| Plantae; Turmeric -->|Uses| Medicinal; Medicinal --> AntiInflammatory; Medicinal --> Antioxidant; Turmeric -->|ActiveCompound| Curcumin;


graph TD; A[Conclusions] --> B((Biology)); B --> C{Cell Biology}; B --> D{Genetics}; B --> E{Ecology}; B --> F{Evolution}; C --> G[Cell Structure]; C --> H[Cell Function]; D --> I[DNA]; D --> J[Genes]; E --> K[Population Biology]; E --> L[Conservation]; F --> M[Natural Selection]; F --> N[Speciation];