Biology In Human Welfare:Human Health and Disease – 3

Biology in Human welfare Human health and Disease

graph TB A[Biology in Human Welfare] B[Human Health and Disease] C[Preventive Measures] D[Treatment Methods] E[Role of Diet in Health] F[Importance of Exercise] G[Environmental Factors] H[Genetic Factors] I[Infectious Diseases] J[Non-Infectious Diseases] A --> B B --> C B --> D B --> E B --> F B --> G B --> H B --> I B --> J

A Brief history of Aids

graph TD; A["A Brief History of AIDS"]; A --> B["Discovery"]; B --> C["1981: First Cases"]; B --> D["1983: Virus Identified"]; A --> E["Spread"]; E --> F["1980s: Global Spread"]; E --> G["1990s: Pandemic"]; A --> H["Treatment"]; H --> I["1990s: Antiretroviral Therapy"]; H --> J["2000s: Access to Treatment"]; A --> K["Prevention"]; K --> L["1980s: Safe Sex Campaigns"]; K --> M["2000s: PrEP"];

Structure of HIV

graph TD; A[Structure of HIV]; A --> B[Envelope]; B --> C[Glycoprotein 120]; B --> D[Glycoprotein 41]; A --> E[Matrix]; E --> F[p17 Protein]; A --> G[Core]; G --> H[p24 Protein]; G --> I[Genetic Material]; I --> J[Two identical strands of RNA]; I --> K[Three enzymes]; K --> L[Reverse Transcriptase]; K --> M[Integrase]; K --> N[Protease];

Tools for Diagnosis:Elisa

graph TB A[Tools for Diagnosis] B[Elisa] C[Subtopic 1] D[Subtopic 2] E[Subtopic 3] A --> B B --> C B --> D B --> E


graph TB A[Cancer] A --> B[Types of Cancer] B --> B1[Breast Cancer] B --> B2[Lung Cancer] B --> B3[Prostate Cancer] B --> B4[Colorectal Cancer] A --> C[Risk Factors] C --> C1[Genetics] C --> C2[Lifestyle] C --> C3[Environment] A --> D[Treatment] D --> D1[Surgery] D --> D2[Chemotherapy] D --> D3[Radiation Therapy] D --> D4[Immunotherapy]

Cancer Detection & Diagnosis

graph TB A[Cancer Detection & Diagnosis] B[Biology] C[Imaging Tests] D[Biopsy] E[Lab Tests] F[Genomic Testing] G[Physical Exam] H[Tumor Marker Tests] I[Circulating Tumor Cell Tests] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G A --> H A --> I

Direct DNA Studies

graph TD; A[Direct DNA Studies]; B[Genome Sequencing]; C[PCR]; D[Genetic Engineering]; E[CRISPR]; F[DNA Microarray]; G[DNA Methylation]; H[DNA Sequencing]; I[Next Generation Sequencing]; J[Whole Genome Sequencing]; K[Targeted Sequencing]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; D-->E; A-->F; A-->G; B-->H; H-->I; H-->J; H-->K;