Animal Kingdom Part-1

Living world

graph TB A["Living World"] A --> B["Biology"] B --> C["Cell Biology"] B --> D["Genetics"] B --> E["Ecology"] B --> F["Evolution"] B --> G["Physiology"] B --> H["Biochemistry"] B --> I["Molecular Biology"] B --> J["Microbiology"] B --> K["Botany"] B --> L["Zoology"]


graph TB A[Animals] --> B[Mammals] A --> C[Reptiles] A --> D[Birds] A --> E[Fish] A --> F[Amphibians] A --> G[Invertebrates] B --> H[Primates] B --> I[Carnivores] B --> J[Herbivores] C --> K[Turtles] C --> L[Snakes] C --> M[Lizards] D --> N[Passerines] D --> O[Raptors] D --> P[Waterbirds] E --> Q[Sharks] E --> R[Ray-finned Fishes] E --> S[Lobe-finned Fishes] F --> T[Frogs] F --> U[Salamanders] F --> V[Caecilians] G --> W[Insects] G --> X[Arachnids] G --> Y[Mollusks] G --> Z[Crustaceans]

Diversity and Complexity

graph TB A[Diversity and Complexity] B[Subtopic 1] C[Subtopic 2] D[Subtopic 3] E[Subtopic 4] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E B -->|Sub-subtopic 1.1| F[...] B -->|Sub-subtopic 1.2| G[...] C -->|Sub-subtopic 2.1| H[...] C -->|Sub-subtopic 2.2| I[...] D -->|Sub-subtopic 3.1| J[...] D -->|Sub-subtopic 3.2| K[...] E -->|Sub-subtopic 4.1| L[...] E -->|Sub-subtopic 4.2| M[...]

Need for Animals classification

graph TB A[Need for Animals classification] --> B[To Understand Evolution] A --> C[To Study Habitats] A --> D[For Conservation Efforts] B --> E[Study of Genetic Links] B --> F[Understanding Species Diversification] C --> G[Impact of Climate Change] C --> H[Understanding Ecosystems] D --> I[Endangered Species] D --> J[Invasive Species]

Criteria of Animals classification

graph TD; A[Criteria of Animals Classification] --> B[Cellular Structure] A --> C[Body Symmetry] A --> D[Level of Organization] A --> E[Nutrition and Digestive system] A --> F[Respiration and Circulation] A --> G[Reproduction] B --> H[Prokaryotic] B --> I[Eukaryotic] C --> J[Asymmetrical] C --> K[Radial Symmetry] C --> L[Bilateral Symmetry] D --> M[Cellular Level] D --> N[Tissue Level] D --> O[Organ Level] D --> P[System Level] E --> Q[Autotrophic] E --> R[Heterotrophic] F --> S[Aerobic] F --> T[Anaerobic] G --> U[Asexual] G --> V[Sexual]

Levels of Organization

graph TB A[Levels of Organization] A --> B[Biological Molecule] A --> C[Cell] A --> D[Tissue] A --> E[Organ] A --> F[Organ System] A --> G[Organism] A --> H[Population] A --> I[Community] A --> J[Ecosystem] A --> K[Biosphere]


graph TB Symmetry["Symmetry in Biology"] Bilateral(Bilateral Symmetry) Radial(Radial Symmetry) Asymmetry(Asymmetry) Spherical(Spherical Symmetry) Symmetry --> Bilateral Symmetry --> Radial Symmetry --> Asymmetry Symmetry --> Spherical Bilateral --> Animals[Animals with Bilateral Symmetry] Radial --> Cnidarians[Cnidarians with Radial Symmetry] Asymmetry --> Sponges[Sponges with No Symmetry] Spherical --> Protozoa[Protozoa with Spherical Symmetry]

Reproduction and Development

graph TB A[Reproduction and Development] B[Sexual Reproduction] C[Asexual Reproduction] D[Development] E[Embryonic Development] F[Post-Embryonic Development] A --> B A --> C A --> D B -->|In Animals| G[Internal Fertilization] B -->|In Plants| H[External Fertilization] C -->|In Animals| I[Binary Fission] C -->|In Plants| J[Vegitative Propagation] D --> E D --> F


graph TD; A[Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation]; B[Diploblastic]; C[Triploblastic]; D[Examples of Diploblastic]; E[Examples of Triploblastic]; F[Characteristics of Diploblastic]; G[Characteristics of Triploblastic]; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; B-->F; C-->E; C-->G;


graph TB Segmentation Segmentation --> Metamerism Segmentation --> Somatic Segmentation --> Visceral Metamerism --> Annelida Metamerism --> Arthropoda Somatic --> Insects Somatic --> Mammals Visceral --> Earthworms Visceral --> Humans


graph TB A[Notochord] A --> B[Definition] B --> B1[Flexible rod-shaped body] B --> B2[Present in all chordates] A --> C[Functions] C --> C1[Provides support] C --> C2[Defines the primitive axis] C --> C3[Development of the nervous system] A --> D[Development] D --> D1[From mesoderm] D --> D2[Forms during gastrulation] A --> E[In Humans] E --> E1[Present in early embryonic stages] E --> E2[Replaced by vertebral column]

Body Cavities

graph TB A[Body Cavities] A --> B[Dorsal Body Cavity] B --> C[Cranial Cavity] B --> D[Spinal Cavity] A --> E[Ventral Body Cavity] E --> F[Thoracic Cavity] F --> G[Pleural Cavities] F --> H[Pericardial Cavity] F --> I[Mediastinum] E --> J[Abdominopelvic Cavity] J --> K[Abdominal Cavity] K --> L[Stomach] K --> M[Liver] K --> N[Spleen] K --> O[Small Intestine] K --> P[Large Intestine] J --> Q[Pelvic Cavity] Q --> R[Bladder] Q --> S[Internal Reproductive Organs]