Permutation Combination Question 13

Question 13 - 30 January - Shift 2

The number of ways of selecting two numbers $a$ and $b$, $a \in{2,4,6, \ldots ., 100} \quad$ and $b \in{1,3,5, \ldots ., 99}$ such that 2 is the remainder when $a+b$ is divided by 23 is

(1) 186

(2) 54

(3) 108

(4) 268

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Answer: (3)


Formula: Combination under restriction

$a \in{2,4,6,8,10, \ldots, 100}$

$b \in{1,3,5,7,9, \ldots \ldots, 99}$

Now, $a+b \in{25,71,117,163}$

(i) $a+b=25$, no. of ordered pairs $(a, b)$ is 12

(ii) $a+b=71$, no. of ordered pairs $(a, b)$ is 35

(iii) $a+b=117$, no. of ordered pairs $(a, b)$ is 42

(iv) $a+b=163$, no. of ordered pairs $(a, b)$ is 19

$\therefore$ total $=108$ pairs