Mathematical Reasoning Question 12

Question 12 - 01 February - Shift 2

Which of the following statements is a tautology ?

(1) $p \to(p \Lambda(p \to q))$

(2) $(p \Lambda q) \to(\sim(p) \to q))$

(3) $(p \Lambda(p \to q)) \to \sim q$

(4) $p V(p \Lambda q)$

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Answer: (2)


(i) $p \to(p \Lambda(p \to q))$

$(\sim p) V(p \Lambda(\sim p \vee q))$

$(\sim p) V(f V(p \Lambda q))$

$\sim p V(p \Lambda q)=(\sim p V p) \Lambda(\sim p V q)$

$=\sim pVq$

(ii) $(p \wedge q) \to(\sim p \to q)$

$\sim(p \Lambda q) V(p V q)=t$

${a, b, d} V{a, b, c}=V$


(iii) $(p \Lambda(p \to q)) \to \sim q$

$\sim(p \Lambda(\sim p Vq)) V \sim q=\sim(p \Lambda q) V \sim q=\sim p V \sim q$

Not tantology

(iv) $p V(p \Lambda q)=p$