JEE Main 12 Jan 2019 Morning Question 29

Question: In the following reaction

Aldehyde + Alcohol $ \xrightarrow[{}]{HCl} $ Acetal Aldehyde Alcohol $ HClO $ $ t-BuOH $ $ CH _3CHO $ $ MeOH $ The best combination is [JEE Main Online Paper Held On 12-Jan-2019 Morning]


A) $ HCHO,and,t-BuOH $

B) $ CH _3CHOandt-BuOH $

C) $ CH _3CHO,and,MeOH $

D) $ HCHOandMeOH $

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Correct Answer: D


  • An electrophile is a species which consists of positive charge on it resulting from lack of electrons on carbon atoms and nucleophile is the species with negative charge and it seeks an electrophile to form a stable compound.