JEE Main On 16 April 2018 Question 19

Question: Which of the following conversions involves change in both shape and hybridisation? [JEE Main 16-4-2018]


A) $ CH _4\to C _2H _6 $

B) $ NH _3\to NH_4^{+} $

C) $ H _2O\to H _3{O^{+}} $

D) $ BF _3\to BF_4^{-} $

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Correct Answer: A


  • Both have $ sp^{3} $ hybridisation and tetrahedral shape. Both have hybridisation. Shape of $ NH _3 $ is pyramidal and shape of $ NH_4^{+} $ is tetrahedral. $ H _2O $ have hybridisation and $ H _3{O^{+}} $ have hybridisation. $ H _2O $ is bent shaped molecule and $ H _3{O^{+}} $ is pyramidal. Both have hybridisation.