Properties of Matter 2 Question 17

17. A block of ice with a lead shot embedded in it is floating on water contained in a vessel. The temperature of the system is maintained at $0^{\circ} C$ as the ice melts. When the ice melts completely the level of water in the vessel rises. (1986, 3M)

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Correct Answer: 17. $F$


  1. When ice melts level of water does not change. In case of lead, it was initially floating i.e. it would had displaced the water equal to the weight of lead. So, volume of water displaced would be,

$$ V _1=\frac{m}{\rho _w}(m=\text { mass of lead }) $$

Now, when ice melts lead will sink and it would displace the water equal to the volume of lead itself. So, volume of water displaced in this case would be,

$V _2=\frac{m}{\rho _l}$. Now, as $\rho _l>\rho _w, V _2<V _1$ or level will fall.

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