Kinematics 6 Question 8

8. The coordinates of a particle moving in a plane are given by $x(t)=a \cos (p t)$ and $y(t)=b \sin (p t)$ where $a, b(<a)$ and $p$ are positive constants of appropriate dimensions. Then,

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(a) the path of the particle is an ellipse

(b) the velocity and acceleration of the particle are normal to each other at $t=\pi / 2 p$

(c) the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a focus

(d) the distance travelled by the particle in time interval $t=0$ to $t=\pi / 2 p$ is $a$

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Correct Answer: 8. $(a, b, c)$


  1. $x=a \cos (p t) \Rightarrow \cos (p t)=\frac{x}{a} \cdots(i)$

$$ \Rightarrow \quad \sin (p t)=y / b \cdots(ii) $$

Squaring and adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

$$ \frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}=1 $$

Therefore, path of the particle is an ellipse. Hence, option (a) is correct.

From the given equations, we can find

$\frac{d x}{d t}=v _x=-a p \sin$

$\Rightarrow \frac{d^{2} x}{d t^{2}}=a _x=-a p^{2} \cos p t$

$$ \frac{d y}{d t}=v _y=b p \cos p t $$

and $\frac{d^{2} y}{d t^{2}}=a _y=-b p^{2} \sin p t$

At time $t=\pi / 2 p$ or $p t=\pi / 2$

$a _x$ and $v _y$ become zero (because $\cos \pi / 2=0$ ),

only $v _x$ and $a _y$ are left.

or we can say that velocity is along negative $x$-axis and acceleration along $y$-axis.

Hence, at $t=\pi / 2 p$ velocity and acceleration of the particle are normal to each other. So, option (b) is also correct.

At $t=t$, position of the particle

$$ \mathbf{r}(t)=x \hat{\mathbf{i}}+y \hat{\mathbf{j}}=a \cos p t \hat{\mathbf{i}}+b \sin p t \hat{\mathbf{j}} $$

and acceleration of the particle is

$$ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{a}(t) & =a _x \hat{\mathbf{i}}+a _y \hat{\mathbf{j}}=-p^{2}[a \cos p t \hat{\mathbf{i}}+b \sin p t \hat{\mathbf{j}}] \\ & =-p^{2}[x \hat{\mathbf{i}}+\mathbf{y} \hat{\mathbf{j}}]=-p^{2} \mathbf{r}(t) \end{aligned} $$

Therefore, acceleration of the particle is always directed towards origin.

Hence, option (c) is also correct.

At $t=0$, particle is at $(a, 0)$ and at $t=\pi / 2 p$

particle is at $(0, b)$. Therefore, the distance covered is one-fourth of the elliptical path not $a$.

Hence, option (d) is wrong.

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