Straight Line and Pair of Straight Lines 1 Question 25


Let $O(0,0), P(3,4)$ and $Q(6,0)$ be the vertices of a $\triangle O P Q$. The point $R$ inside the $\triangle O P Q$ is such that the triangles $O P R, P Q R$ and $O Q R$ are of equal area. The coordinates of $R$ are

(2007, 3M)

(a) $(\frac{4}{3}, 3)$

(b) $(3, \frac{2}{3})$

(c) $(3, \frac{4}{3})$

(d) $(\frac{4}{3}, \frac{2}{3})$

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Correct Answer: 25. (c)


  1. Since, triangle is isosceles, hence centroid is the desired point.

$\therefore \quad$ Coordinates of $R \quad (3, \frac{4}{3})$.

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