Combination Of Capacitors

How are Capacitors connected?

The equivalent capacitance of a combination of capacitors connected to a battery to apply a potential difference (V) and charge the plates (Q) can be defined as the capacitance between two points.


Two frequently used methods of combination are:

  • Parallel combination
  • Series combination

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Parallel Combination of Capacitors

The potential difference V across each capacitor when they are connected in parallel is the same, however, the charge on C1 and C2 (Q1 and Q2) is different.

The total charge is Q:


Equivalent capacitance between a and b is:

C = C1 + C2

The charge on capacitors is given as:




Series Combination of Capacitors

The magnitude of charge Q on each capacitor is the same when connected in series, however, the potential difference across C1 and C2 is different, i.e., V1 and V2.

Q = C1 V1 = C2 V2

The total potential difference across combination is:

V = V1 + V2



The ratio of Q to V, denoted as C, is referred to as the equivalent capacitance between point a and b.


The potential difference across C1 and C2 is V1 and V2 respectively, as follows:


In case of more than two capacitors, the relation is:


Important Points:

If N identical capacitors of capacitance C are connected in series, then the effective capacitance = C/N

If N identical capacitors of capacitance C are connected in parallel, then the effective capacitance is equal to C multiplied by N

Problems on Combination of Capacitors

Problem 1: Calculate the potential difference across each capacitor when two capacitors of capacitance C1 = 6 μF and C2 = 3 μF are connected in series across a cell of emf 18 V.
  • (a) The Equivalent Capacitance
  • (b) The potential difference across each capacitor
  • (c) The Charge on Each Capacitor





Q = CeqV

Substituting the values, we obtain

Q = 36 μC = 2 μF × 18 V

V1 = Q/C1 = 36 μC/ 6 μF = 6V

V2 = Q/C2 = 36 μC/ 3 μF = 12 V

The magnitude of charge Q on each capacitor when connected in series will be the same and will equal 36 μC.

Example 2: Find the equivalent capacitance between points A and B.

Answer: The equivalent capacitance between points A and B is 4 μF.

Sol: In the system given, 1 and 3 are in parallel and 5 is connected between A and B. They can be represented as follows:

    1. As 1 and 3 are in parallel, their effective capacitance is 4μF
    1. The effective capacitance of a series circuit with 2.4μF and 2μF is 4/3μF.
    1. The effective capacitance of 3.4/3μF and 2μF in parallel is 10/3μF.
    1. The effective capacitance of a series circuit of 10/3μF and 2μF is 5/4μF.
    1. The combined capacitance of 5/4μF and 2μF in parallel is 13/4μF

Therefore, the equivalent capacitance of the given system is 13/4 μF.