Continuity And Differentiability

Chapter 5


5.1 Overview

5.1.1 Continuity of a function at a point

Let f be a real function on a subset of the real numbers and let c be a point in the domain of f. Then f is continuous at c if


More elaborately, if the left hand limit, right hand limit and the value of the function at x=c exist and are equal to each other, i.e.,


then f is said to be continuous at x=c.

5.1.2 Continuity in an interval

(i) f is said to be continuous in an open interval (a,b) if it is continuous at every point in this interval.

(ii) f is said to be continuous in the closed interval [a,b] if

  • f is continuous in (a,b)
  • limxa+f(x)=f(a)
  • limxbf(x)=f(b)

5.1.3 Geometrical meaning of continuity

(i) Function f will be continuous at x=c if there is no break in the graph of the function at the point (c,f(c)).

(ii) In an interval, function is said to be continuous if there is no break in the graph of the function in the entire interval.

5.1.4 Discontinuity

The function f will be discontinuous at x=a in any of the following cases :

(i) limxaf(x) and limxa+f(x) exist but are not equal.

(ii) limxaf(x) and limxa+f(x) exist and are equal but not equal to f(a).

(iii) f(a) is not defined.

5.1.5 Continuity of some of the common functions

Function f(x) Interval in which f is continuous

1. The constant function,i.e.f(x)=cR2. The identity function,i.e.f(x)=xR3. The polynomial function,i.e.f(x)=a0xn+a1xn1++an1x+anR4. |x-a| (,)5.xn,n is a positive integer(,){0}6. p(x) / q(x), where p(x) and q(x) are polynomials in xR{x:q(x)=0}7.sinx,cosxR8.tanx,secxR{(2n+1)π2:nZ}9.cotx,cosecxR{nπ:nZ}10.exR11.logx(0,)12. The inverse trigonometric functions, i.e. In their respective domains 

5.1.6 Continuity of composite functions

Let f and g be real valued functions such that ( fg ) is defined at a. If g is continuous at a and f is continuous at g(a), then (fg) is continuous at a.

5.1.7 Differentiability

The function defined by f(x)=limh0f(x+h)f(x)h, wherever the limit exists, is defined to be the derivative of f at x. In other words, we say that a function f is differentiable at a point c in its domain if both limh0f(c+h)f(c)h, called left hand derivative, denoted by Lf(c), and limh0+f(c+h)f(c)h, called right hand derivative, denoted by Rf(c), are finite and equal.

(i) The function y=f(x) is said to be differentiable in an open interval (a,b) if it is differentiable at every point of (a,b)

(ii) The function y=f(x) is said to be differentiable in the closed interval [a,b] if Rf(a) and Lf(b) exist and f(x) exists for every point of (a,b).

(iii) Every differentiable function is continuous, but the converse is not true

5.1.8 Algebra of derivatives

If u,v are functions of x, then

(i) d(u±v)dx=dudx±dvdx

(ii) ddx(uv)=udvdx+vdudx

(iii) ddx(uv)=vdudxudvdxv2

5.1.9 Chain rule is a rule to differentiate composition of functions. Let f=vou. If t=u(x) and both dtdx and dvdt exist then dfdx=dvdtdtdx

5.1.10 Following are some of the standard derivatives (in appropriate domains)

1. ddx(sin1x)=11x2

2. ddx(cos1x)=11x2

3. ddx(tan1x)=11+x2

4. ddx(cot1x)=11+x2

5. ddx(sec1x)=1|x|x21,|x|>1

6. ddx(cosec1x)=1|x|x21,|x|>1

5.1.11 Exponential and logarithmic functions

(i) The exponential function with positive base b>1 is the function y=f(x)=bx. Its domain is R, the set of all real numbers and range is the set of all positive real numbers. Exponential function with base 10 is called the common exponential function and with base e is called the natural exponential function.

(ii) Let b>1 be a real number. Then we say logarithm of a to base b is x if bx=a, Logarithm of a to the base b is denoted by logba. If the base b=10, we say it is common logarithm and if b=e, then we say it is natural logarithms. logx denotes the logarithm function to base e. The domain of logarithm function is R+, the set of all positive real numbers and the range is the set of all real numbers.

(iii) The properties of logarithmic function to any base b>1 are listed below:

1. logb(xy)=logbx+logby

2. logb(xy)=logbxlogby

3. logbxn=nlogbx

4. logbx=logcxlogcb, where c>1

5. logbx=1logxb

6. logbb=1 and logb1=0

(iv) The derivative of ex w.r.t., x is ex, i.e. ddx(ex)=ex. The derivative of logx w.r.t., x is 1x; i.e. ddx(logx)=1x.

5.1.12 Logarithmic differentiation is a powerful technique to differentiate functions of the form f(x)=(u(x))v(x), where both f and u need to be positive functions for this technique to make sense.

5.1.13 Differentiation of a function with respect to another function

Let u=f(x) and v=g(x) be two functions of x, then to find derivative of f(x) w.r.t. to g(x), i.e., to find dudv, we use the formula


5.1.14 Second order derivative

ddxdydx=d2ydx2 is called the second order derivative of y w.r.t. x. It is denoted by y or y2, if y=f(x).

5.1.15 Rolle’s Theorem

Let f:[a,b]R be continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b), such that f(a) =f(b), where a and b are some real numbers. Then there exists at least one point c in (a,b) such that f(c)=0.

Geometrically Rolle’s theorem ensures that there is at least one point on the curve y=f(x) at which tangent is parallel to x-axis (abscissa of the point lying in (a,b) ).

5.1.16 Mean Value Theorem (Lagrange)

Let f:[a,b]R be a continuous function on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b). Then there exists at least one point c in (a,b) such that f(c)=f(b)f(a)ba.

Geometrically, Mean Value Theorem states that there exists at least one point c in (a,b) such that the tangent at the point (c,f(c)) is parallel to the secant joining the points (a,f(a) and (b,f(b)).

5.2 Solved Examples

Short Answer (S.A.)

Example 1 Find the value of the constant k so that the function f defined below is

continuous at x=0, where f(x)= {1cos4x8x2,x0.k,x=0

Solution It is given that the function f is continuous at x=0. Therefore, limx0f(x)=f(0)


Thus, f is continuous at x=0 if k=1.

Example 2 Discuss the continuity of the function f(x)=sinxcosx.

Solution Since sinx and cosx are continuous functions and product of two continuous function is a continuous function, therefore f(x)=sinxcosx is a continuous function.

Example 3 If f(x)= {x3+x216x+20(x2)2,x2k,x=2 is continuous at x=2, find

the value of k.

Solution Given f(2)=k.

Now, limx2f(x)=limx2+f(x)=limx2x3+x216x+20(x2)2


As f is continuous at x=2, we have



Example 4 Show that the function f defined by

f(x)= {xsin1x,x00,x=0

is continuous at x=0.

Solution Left hand limit at x=0 is given by

limx0f(x)=limx0xsin1x=0[ since, 1<sin1x<1]

Similarly limx0+f(x)=limx0+xsin1x=0. Moreover f(0)=0.

Thus limx0f(x)=limx0+f(x)=f(0). Hence f is continuous at x=0

Example 5 Given f(x)=1x1. Find the points of discontinuity of the composite function y=f[f(x)].

Solution We know that f(x)=1x1 is discontinuous at x=1

Now, for x1,


which is discontinuous at x=2.

Hence, the points of discontinuity are x=1 and x=2.

Example 6 Let f(x)=x|x|, for all xR. Discuss the derivability of f(x) at x=0

Solution We may rewrite f as f(x)= {x2, if x0x2, if x<0

Now Lf(0)=limh0f(0+h)f(0)h=limh0h20h=limh0h=0

Now Rf (0)=limh0+f(0+h)f(0)h=limh0+h20h=limh0h=0

Since the left hand derivative and right hand derivative both are equal, hence f is differentiable at x=0.

Example 7 Differentiate tanx w.r.t. x

Solution Let y=tanx. Using chain rule, we have


Example 8 If y=tan(x+y), find dydx.

Solution Given y=tan(x+y). differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we have


or [1sec2(x+y]dydx=sec2(x+y).

Therefore, dydx=sec2(x+y)1sec2(x+y)=cosec2(x+y).

Example 9 If ex+ey=ex+y, prove that


Solution Given that ex+ey=ex+y. Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we have


or (eyex+y)dydx=ex+yex

which implies that dydx=ex+yexeyex+y=ex+eyexeyexey=eyx.

Example 10 Find dydx, if y=tan1(3xx313x2),13<x<13.

Solution Put x=tanθ, where π6<θ<π6.

Therefore, y=tan1(3tanθtan3θ13tan2θ)


=3θ (because π2<3θ<π2 ) =3tan1x

Hence, dydx=31+x2.

Example 11 If y=sin1{x1xx1x2} and 0<x<1, then find dydx.

Solution We have y=sin1{x1xx1x2}, where 0<x<1.


x=sinA and x=sinB

Therefore, y=sin1{sinA1sin2BsinB1sin2A}




Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get


Example 12 If x=asec3θ and y=atan3θ, find dydx at θ=π3.

Solution We have x=asec3θ and y=atan3θ.

Differentiating w.r.t. θ, we get


and dydθ=3atan2θddθ(tanθ)=3atan2θsec2θ.

Thus dydx=dydθdxdθ=3atan2θsec2θ3asec3θtanθ=tanθsecθ=sinθ.

Hence, (dydx)atθ=π3=sinπ3=32.

Example 13 If xy=exy, prove that dydx=logx(1+logx)2.

Solution We have xy=exy. Taking logarithm on both sides, we get



 i.e. y=x1+logx

Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get


Example 14 If y=tanx+secx, prove that d2ydx2=cosx(1sinx)2.

Solution We have y=tanx+secx. Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get


thus dydx=11sinx.

Now, differentiating again w.r.t. x, we get


Example 15 If f(x)=|cosx|, find f(3π4).

Solution When π2<x<π,cosx<0 so that |cosx|=cosx, i.e., f(x)=cosx


Hence, f(3π4)=sin(3π4)=12

Example 16 If f(x)=|cosxsinx|, find f(π6).

Solution When 0<x<π4,cosx>sinx, so that cosxsinx>0, i.e.,



Hence f(π6)=sinπ6cosπ6=12(1+3).

Example 17 Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function, f(x)=sin2x in [0,π2].

Solution Consider f(x)=sin2x in [0,π2]. Note that:

(i) The function f is continuous in [0,π2], as f is a sine function, which is always continuous.

(ii) f(x)=2cos2x, exists in (0,π2), hence f is derivable in 0,(π2).

(iii) f(0)=sin0=0 and f(π2)=sinπ=0f(0)=f(π2).

Conditions of Rolle’s theorem are satisfied. Hence there exists at least one c(0,π2) such that f(c)=0. Thus


Example 18 Verify mean value theorem for the function f(x)=(x3)(x6)(x9) in [3,5].

Solution (i) Function f is continuous in [3,5] as product of polynomial functions is a polynomial, which is continuous.

(ii) f(x)=3x236x+99 exists in (3,5) and hence derivable in (3,5).

Thus conditions of mean value theorem are satisfied. Hence, there exists at least one c(3,5) such that


Hence c=6133 (since other value is not permissible).

Long Answer (L.A.)

Example 19 If f(x)=2cosx1cotx1,xπ4

find the value of f(π4) so that f(x) becomes continuous at x=π4.

Solution Given, f(x)=2cosx1cotx1,xπ4

Therefore, limxπ4f(x)=limx(π4)2cosx1cotx1



Thus, limxπ4f(x)=12

If we define f(π4)=12, then f(x) will become continuous at x=π4. Hence for f to be continuous at x=π4,f(π4)=12.

Example 20 Show that the function f given by f(x)= {e1x1e1x+1,ifx00,ifx=0

is discontinuous at x=0.

Solution The left hand limit of f at x=0 is given by


Similarly, limx0+f(x)=limx0+e1x1e1x+1


Thus limx0f(x)limf(x), therefore, limx0+f(x) does not exist. Hence f is discontinuous at x=0.

Example 21 Let f(x)= {1cos4xx2, if x<0a,ifx=0x16+x4, if x>0

For what value of a,f is continuous at x=0 ?

Solution Here f(0)=a Left hand limit of f at 0 is


and right hand limit of f at 0 is



Thus, limx0+f(x)=limx0f(x)=8. Hence f is continuous at x=0 only if a=8.

Example 22 Examine the differentiability of the function f defined by

f(x)= {2x+3, if 3x<2x+1, if 2x<0x+2, if 0x1

Solution The only doubtful points for differentiability of f(x) are x=2 and x=0. Differentiability at x=2.

Now L f(2)=limh0f(2+h)f(2)h


and Rf(2)=limh0+f(2+h)f(2)h


Thus Rf(2)Lf(2). Therefore f is not differentiable at x=2. Similarly, for differentiability at x=0, we have


which does not exist. Hence f is not differentiable at x=0.

Example 23 Differentiate tan1(1x2x) with respect to cos1(2x1x2), where x(12,1).

Solution Let u=tan1(1x2x) and v=cos1(2x1x2).

We want to find dudv=dudxdvdx

Now u=tan1(1x2x). Put x=sinθ.(π4<θ<π2).

Then u=tan1(1sin2θsinθ)=tan1(cotθ)





v=cos1(2x1x2)=π2sin1(2x1x2)=π2sin1(2sinθ1sin2θ)=π2sin1(sin2θ)=π2sin1{sin(π2θ)}[ since π2<2θ<π]




 Hence dudv=dudxdvdx=11x221x2=12 .

Objective Type Questions

Choose the correct answer from the given four options in each of the Examples 24 to 35.

Example 24 The function f(x)= {sinxx+cosx, if x0k, if x=0

is continuous at x=0, then the value of k is

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 1

(D) 1.5

Solution (B) is the Correct answer.

Example 25 The function f(x)=[x], where [x] denotes the greatest integer function, is continuous at

(A) 4

(B) -2

(C) 1

(D) 1.5

Solution (D) is the correct answer. The greatest integer function [x] is discontinuous at all integral values of x. Thus D is the correct answer.

Example 26 The number of points at which the function f(x)=1x[x] is not continuous is

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) none of these

Solution (D) is the correct answer. As x[x]=0, when x is an integer so f(x) is discontinuous for all xZ.

Example 27 The function given by f(x)=tanx is discontinuous on the set

(A) {nπ:nZ}

(B) {2nπ:nZ}

(C) {2n+1)π2:nZ}

(D) {nπ2:nZ}

Solution C is the correct answer.

Example 28 Let f(x)=|cosx|. Then,

(A) f is everywhere differentiable.

(B) f is everywhere continuous but not differentiable at n=nπ,nZ.

(C) f is everywhere continuous but not differentiable at x=(2n+1)π2, nZ.

(D) none of these.

Solution C is the correct answer.

Example 29 The function f(x)=|x|+|x1| is

(A) continuous at x=0 as well as at x=1.

(B) continuous at x=1 but not at x=0.

(C) discontinuous at x=0 as well as at x=1.

(D) continuous at x=0 but not at x=1.

Solution Correct answer is A.

Example 30 The value of k which makes the function defined by

f(x)= {sin1x, if x0k, if x=0, continuous at x=0 is

(A) 8

(B) 1

(C) 1

(D) none of these

Solution (D) is the correct answer. Indeed limx0sin1x does not exist.

Example 31 The set of points where the functions f given by f(x)=|x3|cosx is differentiable is

(A) R

(B) R{3}

(C) (0,)

(D) none of these

Solution B is the correct answer.

Example 32 Differential coefficient of sec (tan1x) w.r.t. x is

(A) x1+x2

(B) x1+x2

(C) x1+x2

(D) 11+x2

Solution (A) is the correct answer.

Example 33 If u=sin1(2x1+x2) and v=tan1(2x1x2), then dudv is

(A) 12

(B) x

(C) 1x21+x2

(D) 1

Solution (D) is the correct answer.

Example 34 The value of c in Rolle’s Theorem for the function f(x)=exsinx, x[0,π] is

(A) π6

(B) π4

(C) π2

(D) 3π4

Solution (D) is the correct answer.

Example 35 The value of c in Mean value theorem for the function f(x)=x(x2), x[1,2] is

(A) 32

(B) 23

(C) 12

(D) 32

Solution (A) is the correct answer.

Example 36 Match the following


(A) If a function f(x)= {sin3xx, if x0k2, if x=0(a)|x| is continuous at x=0, then k is equal to

(B) Every continuous function is differentiable (b) True

(C) An example of a function which is continuous (c) 6 everywhere but not differentiable at exactly one point

(D) The identity function i.e. f(x)=xxR is a continuous function (d) False

Solution Ac,Bd,Ca,Db

Fill in the blanks in each of the Examples 37 to 41.

Example 37 The number of points at which the function f(x)=1log|x| is discontinuous is________________

Solution The given function is discontinuous at x=0,±1 and hence the number of points of discontinuity is 3 .

Example 38 If f(x)={ax+1 if x1x+2 if x<1 is continuous, then a should be equal to__________

Solution a=2

Example 39 The derivative of log10x w.r.t. x is_______________

Solution (log10e)1x.

Example 40 If y=sec1(x+1x1)+sin1(x1x+1), then dydx is equal to_____________

Solution 0 .

Example 41 The deriative of sinx w.r.t. cosx is______________

Solution cotx

State whether the statements are True or False in each of the Exercises 42 to 46.

Example 42 For continuity, at x=a, each of limxa+f(x) and limxaf(x) is equal to f(a).

Solution True .

Example 43 y=|x1| is a continuous function.

Solution True .

Example 44 A continuous function can have some points where limit does not exist.

Solution False .

Example 45 |sinx| is a differentiable function for every value of x.

Solution False.

Example 46 cos|x| is differentiable everywhere.

Solution True.


Short Answer (S.A.)

1. Examine the continuity of the function

f(x)=x3+2x21 at x=1

Find which of the functions in Exercises 2 to 10 is continuous or discontinuous at the indicated points:

2. f(x)={3x+5, if x2x2, if x<2 at x=2

3. f(x)={1cos2xx2ifx05 if x=0 at x=0

4. f(x)= {2x23x2x2,ifx25,ifx=2atx=2 at x=2

5. f(x)={|x4|2(x4),ifx40,ifx=4 at x=4

6. f(x)={|x|cos1x, if x00, if x=0 at x=0

7. f(x)={|xa|sin1xa, if x00, if x=a at x=a

8. f(x)={e1x1+e1x,ifx0,0ifx=0  at x=0

9. f(x)={x22, if 0x12x23x+32, if 1<x2 at x=1

10. f(x)=|x|+|x1| at x=1

Find the value of k in each of the Exercises 11 to 14 so that the function f is continuous at the indicated point:

11. f(x)={3x8, if x52k, if x>5 at x=5

12. f(x)= {2x+2164x16,ifx2k,ifx=2 at x=2

13. f(x)= {1+kx1kxx,if1x<02x+1x1,if0x<1 at x = 0

14. f(x)={1coskxxsinx if x012,if x=0 at x=0

15. Prove that the function f defined by

f(x)= {x|x|+2x2,x0k,x=0

remains discontinuous at x=0, regardless the choice of k.

16. Find the values of a and b such that the function f defined by

f(x)={x4|x4|+a, if x<4a+b, if x=4x4|x4|+b, if x>4

is a continuous function at x=4.

17. Given the function f(x)=1x+2. Find the points of discontinuity of the composite function y=f(f(x)).

18. Find all points of discontinuity of the function f(t)=1t2+t2, where t=1x1.

19. Show that the function f(x)=|sinx+cosx| is continuous at x=π.

Examine the differentiability of f, where f is defined by

20. f(x)={x[x],, if 0x<2(x1)x, if 2x<3 at x=2.

21. f(x)={x2sin1x, if x00, if x=0 at x=0.

22. f(x)={1+x, if x25x, if x>2 at x=2.

23. Show that f(x)=|x5| is continuous but not differentiable at x=5.

24. A function f:RR satisfies the equation f(x+y)=f(x)f(y) for all x,yR, f(x)0. Suppose that the function is differentiable at x=0 and f(0)=2. Prove that f(x)=2f(x).

Differentiate each of the following w.r.t. x (Exercises 25 to 43) :

25. 2cos2x

26. 8xx8

27. log(x+x2+a)

28. log[log(logx5)]

29. sinx+cos2x

30. sinn(ax2+bx+c)

31. cos(tanx+1)

32. sinx2+sin2x+sin2(x2)

33. sin1(1x+1)

34. (sinx)cosx

35. sinmxcosnx

36. (x+1)2(x+2)3(x+3)4

37. cos1(sinx+cosx2),π4<x<π4

38. tan11cosx1+cosx,π4<x<π4

39. tan1(secx+tanx),π2<x<π2

40. tan1acosxbsinxbcosx+asinx,π2<x<π2 and abtanx>1

41. sec114x33x,0<x<12

42. tan13a2xx3a33ax2,13<xa<13

43. tan11+x2+1x21+x21x2,1<x,x0

Find dydx of each of the functions expressed in parametric form in Exercises from 44 to 48.

44. x=t+1t,y=t1t

45. x=eθ(θ+1θ),y=eθ(θ1θ)

46. x=3cosθ2cos3θ,y=3sinθ2sin3θ.

47. sinx=2t1+t2,tany=2t1t2.

48. x=1+logtt2,y=3+2logtt.

49. If x=ecos2t and y=esin2t, prove that dydx=ylogxxlogy.

50. If x=asin2t(1+cos2t) and y=bcos2t(1cos2t), show that (dydx) at t=π4=ba

51. If x=3sintsin3t,y=3costcos3t, find dydx at t=π3.

52. Differentiate xsinx w.r.t. sinx.

53. Differentiate tan1(1+x21x) w.r.t. tan1x when x0.

Find dydx when x and y are connected by the relation given in each of the Exercises 54 to 57 .

54. sin(xy)+xy=x2y

55. sec(x+y)=xy

56. tan1(x2+y2)=a

57. (x2+y2)2=xy

58. If ax2+2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy+c=0, then show that dydxdxdy=1.

59. If x=exy, prove that dydx=xyxlogx.

60. If yx=eyx, prove that dydx=(1+logy)2logy.

61. If y=(cosx)(cosx)(cosx), show that dydx=y2tanxylogcosx1.

62. If xsin(a+y)+sinacos(a+y)=0, prove that dydx=sin2(a+y)sina.

63. If 1x2+1y2=a(xy), prove that dydx=1y21x2.

64. If y=tan1x, find d2ydx2 in terms of y alone.

Verify the Rolle’s theorem for each of the functions in Exercises 65 to 69.

65. f(x)=x(x1)2 in [0,1].

66. f(x)=sin4x+cos4x in [0,π2].

67. f(x)=log(x2+2)log3 in [1,1].

68. f(x)=x(x+3)ex/2 in [3,0].

69. f(x)=4x2 in [2,2].

70. Discuss the applicability of Rolle’s theorem on the function given by

f(x)={x2+1, if 0x13x, if 1x2.

71. Find the points on the curve y=(cosx1) in [0,2π], where the tangent is parallel to x-axis.

72. Using Rolle’s theorem, find the point on the curve y=x(x4),x[0,4], where the tangent is parallel to x-axis.

Verify mean value theorem for each of the functions given Exercises 73 to 76.

73. f(x)=14x1 in [1,4].

74. f(x)=x32x2x+3 in [0,1].

75. f(x)=sinxsin2x in [0,π].

76. f(x)=25x2 in [1,5].

77. Find a point on the curve y=(x3)2, where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining the points (3,0) and (4,1).

78. Using mean value theorem, prove that there is a point on the curve y=2x25x+3 between the points A(1,0) and B(2,1), where tangent is parallel to the chord AB. Also, find that point.

Long Answer (L.A.)

79. Find the values of p and q so that

f(x)={x2+3x+p, if x1qx+2, if x>1

is differentiable at x=1.

80. If xmyn=(x+y)m+n, prove that

(i) dydx=yx and

(ii) d2ydx2=0.

81. If x=sint and y=sinpt, prove that (1x2)d2ydx2xdydx+p2y=0.

82. Find dydx, if y=xtanx+x2+12.

Objective Type Questions

Choose the correct answers from the given four options in each of the Exercises 83 to 96.

83. If f(x)=2x and g(x)=x22+1, then which of the following can be a discontinuous function

(A) f(x)+g(x)

(B) f(x)g(x)

(C) f(x)g(x)

(D) g(x)f(x)

84. The function f(x)=4x24xx3 is

(A) discontinuous at only one point

(B) discontinuous at exactly two points

(C) discontinuous at exactly three points

(D) none of these

85. The set of points where the function f given by f(x)=|2x1|sinx is differentiable is

(A) R

(B) R{12}

(C) (0,)

(D) none of these

86. The function f(x)=cotx is discontinuous on the set

(A) {x=nπ:nZ}

(B) {x=2nπ:nZ}

(C) {x=(2n+1)π2;nZ}

(iv) {x=nπ2;nZ}

87. The function f(x)=e|x| is

(A) continuous everywhere but not differentiable at x=0

(B) continuous and differentiable everywhere

(C) not continuous at x=0

(D) none of these.

88. If f(x)=x2sin1x, where x0, then the value of the function f at x=0, so that the function is continuous at x=0, is

(A) 0

(B) -1

(C) 1

(D) none of these

89. If f(x)= {mx+1, if xπ2sinx+n, if x>π2, is continuous at x=π2, then

(A) m=1,n=0

(B) m=nπ2+1

(C) n=mπ2

(D) m=n=π2

90. Let f(x)=|sinx|. Then

(A) f is everywhere differentiable

(B) f is everywhere continuous but not differentiable at x=nπ,nZ.

(C) f is everywhere continuous but not differentiable at x=(2n+1)π2, nZ.

(D) none of these

91. If y=log(1x21+x2), then dydx is equal to

(A) 4x31x4

(B) 4x1x4

(C) 14x4

(D) 4x31x4

92. If y=sinx+y, then dydx is equal to

(A) cosx2y1

(B) cosx12y

(C) sinx12y

(D) sinx2y1

93. The derivative of cos1(2x21) w.r.t. cos1x is

(A) 2

(B) 121x2

(C) 2x

(D) 1x2

94. If x=t2,y=t3, then d2ydx2 is

(A) 32

(B) 34t

(C) 32t

(D) 34

95. The value of c in Rolle’s theorem for the function f(x)=x33x in the interval [0,3] is

(A) 1

(B) -1

(C) 32

(D) 13

96. For the function f(x)=x+1x,x[1,3], the value of c for mean value theorem is

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 2

(D) none of these

Fill in the blanks in each of the Exercises 97 to 101:

97. An example of a function which is continuous everywhere but fails to be differentiable exactly at two points is____________

98. Derivative of x2 w.r.t. x3 is____________

99. If f(x)=|cosx|, then f(π4)=____________

100 . If f(x)=|cosxsinx|, then f(π3)=____________

101. For the curve x+y=1,dydx at (14,14) is____________

State True or False for the statements in each of the Exercises 102 to 106.

102. Rolle’s theorem is applicable for the function f(x)=|x1| in [0,2].

103. If f is continuous on its domain D, then |f| is also continuous on D.

104. The composition of two continuous function is a continuous function.

105. Trigonometric and inverse - trigonometric functions are differentiable in their respective domain.

106. If f.g is continuous at x=a, then f and g are separately continuous at x=a.


1. Continuous at x=1

2. Discontinuous

3. Discontinuous

4. Continuous

5. Discontinuous

6. Continuous

7. Continuous

8. Discontinuous

9. Continuous

10. Continuous

11. k=72

12. k=12

13. k=1

14. k=±1

16. a=1,b=1

17. Discontinuous at x=2 and x=52

18. Discontinuous at x=1,12 and 2

20. Not differentiable at x=2

21. Differentiable at x=0

22. Not differentiable at x=2

25. (log2)sin2x2cos2x

26. 8xx8[log88x]

27. 1x2+a

28. 5xlog(x5)log(logx5)

29. cosx2xsin2x2x

30. n(2ax+b)sinn1(ax2+bx+c)cos(ax2+bx+c)

31. 12x+1sin(tanx+1)sec2(x+1)

32. 2xcos(x)2+2xsin(2x2)+sin2x

33. 12x(x+1)

34. (sinx)cosx[cos2xsinxsinxlogsinx]

35. sinmxxcosnx(ntanx+mcotx)

36. (x+1)(x+2)2(x+3)3[9x2+34x+29]

37. -1

38. 12

39. 12

40. -1

41. 31x2

42. 3aa2+x2

43. x1x4

44. t2+1t21

45. e2θ(θ3+θ2+θ+1θ3+θ2+θ1)

46. cotθ

47. 1

48. t

51. 13

52. tanxxsin2x

53. 12

54. 2xy2y3cos(xy)yxy2cos(xy)x+y2

55. ysec(x+y)tan(x+y)sec(x+y)tan(x+y)x

56. xy

57. y4x34xy24yx2+4y3x

64. 2sinycos3y

70. Not applicable since f is not differentiable at x=1

71. (π,2)

72. (2,4)

77. (72,14)

78. (32,0)

79. p=3,q=5

82. xtanx(sec2xlogx+tanxx)+x2x2+1

83. D

84. C

85. B

86. A

87. A

88. A

89. C

90. B

91. B

92. A

93. A

94. B

95. A

96. B

97. |x|+|x1|

98. 23x

99. 12

100. (3+12)

101. -1

102. False

103. True

104. True

105. True

106. False

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