Continuity and Differentiability Exercise 05


Find the derivative of the function given by f(x)=(1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^4)(1+x^8) and hence find f′(1).



f’(x)= (1+x)(2x+2x^3+4x^5+8x^7) + (1+x^2)(1+x^4)(1+x^8) + (1+x)(1+x^2)(4x^3+8x^7) + (1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^4)(8x^6)

f’(1)= (1+1)(2+2+4+8) + (1+1)(1+1)(1+1) + (1+1)(1+1)(4+8) + (1+1)(1+1)(1+1)(8)

f’(1)= 24 + 8 + 16 + 8

f’(1)= 56


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. x^(xcosx)+x^2+1/x^2−1


Step 1: Rewrite the function in terms of exponents: f(x) = x^(xcosx + 2) + 1/x^2 - 1

Step 2: Take the derivative of the function w.r.t. x: f’(x) = (xcosx + 2)x^(xcosx + 1) + (-2)/x^3


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (logx)^x+x^(logx)


Step 1: Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation.

log((logx)^x + x^(logx))

Step 2: Use the logarithmic differentiation rule to differentiate the equation.

(1/x) (x^(logx) * log(logx) + (logx)^x * (1/logx))

Step 3: Simplify the equation.

(1/x) (x^(logx) * log(logx) + (logx)^x * (1/logx)) = (logx)^x * (log(logx) + 1/logx)


Differentiate (x^2−5x+8)(x^3+7x+9) in three ways mentioned below, (i) By using product rule (ii) By expanding the product to obtain a single polynomial (iii) By logarithmic differentiation Do they all give the same answer?


(i) By using product rule:

d/dx[(x^2−5x+8)(x^3+7x+9)] = (x^2−5x+8) d/dx(x^3+7x+9) + (x^3+7x+9) d/dx(x^2−5x+8)

= (x^2−5x+8)(3x^2+7) + (x^3+7x+9)(2x−5)

= 3x^4+14x^3+53x^2−35x+72

(ii) By expanding the product to obtain a single polynomial:


= x^5 +7x^4−35x^3+53x^2−35x+72

(iii) By logarithmic differentiation:


= (x^2−5x+8)(x^3+7x+9) * (d/dx[ln(x^2−5x+8)] + d/dx[ln(x^3+7x+9)])

= (x^2−5x+8)(x^3+7x+9) * (2x−5 + 3x^2+7)

= 3x^4+14x^3+53x^2−35x+72

Yes, all three methods give the same answer.


Find dy/dx of the function x^y+y^x=1


Step 1: Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation:

ln(x^y + y^x) = ln(1)

Step 2: Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x:

y(ln(x))(x^y)’ + x(ln(y))(y^x)’ = 0

Step 3: Simplify the equation:

y(ln(x))y’x^(y-1) + x(ln(y))x’y^(x-1) = 0

Step 4: Rearrange the equation to solve for dy/dx:

dy/dx = -(y(ln(x))x^(y-1)) / (x(ln(y))y^(x-1))


Find dy/dx of (cosx)^y=(cosy)^x


  1. Take the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln (cosx)^y = ln (cosy)^x

  1. Differentiate both sides with respect to x:

y*(cosx)^y*(-sinx) = x*(cosy)^x*(-siny)

  1. Divide both sides by (cosx)^y:

y*(-sinx) / (cosx)^y = x*(-siny) / (cosy)^x

  1. Multiply both sides by (cosy)^x:

y*(-sinx) (cosy)^x / (cosx)^y = x*(-siny)

  1. Divide both sides by (cosy)^x:

y*(-sinx) / (cosx)^y = x*(-siny) / (cosy)^x

  1. Simplify both sides:

dy/dx = -sinyy / (cosx)^y + sinxx / (cosy)^x


Find dy/dx of xy=e^x−y


Step 1: Rewrite the equation as y = e^x - xy

Step 2: Take the derivative of both sides with respect to x:

dy/dx = e^x - (x*dy/dx + y)

Step 3: Solve for dy/dx:

dy/dx = (e^x - y) / (x)


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (x+1/x)^x+x^(1+1/x)


Step 1: Use the chain rule to write the function as a product of two functions: f(x) = (x+1/x)^x * x^(1+1/x)

Step 2: Differentiate the first function w.r.t. x: f’(x) = x^x * ln(x+1/x)

Step 3: Differentiate the second function w.r.t. x: f’(x) = x^(1+1/x) * (1+1/x) * ln(x)

Step 4: Multiply the two derivatives together: f’(x) = x^x * ln(x+1/x) * x^(1+1/x) * (1+1/x) * ln(x)

Step 5: Simplify the expression: f’(x) = x^(x+1+1/x) * ln(x+1/x) * (1+1/x) * ln(x)


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (sinx)^x+sin^−1√x


Step 1: Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation to make it easier to differentiate: ln((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)

Step 2: Differentiate both sides of the equation w.r.t. x: (d/dx) ln((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)

Step 3: Use the chain rule to differentiate the left side of the equation: (d/dx) ln((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x) = (1/((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)) * (d/dx)((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)

Step 4: Differentiate the right side of the equation using the product rule: (d/dx)((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x) = (d/dx)(sinx)^x + (d/dx)sin^−1√x

Step 5: Differentiate both terms on the right side of the equation: (d/dx)(sinx)^x = x*(sinx)^(x-1)(d/dx)(sinx) (d/dx)sin^−1√x = (1/(2√x))*(d/dx)(x^2)

Step 6: Substitute the derivatives into the equation: (d/dx) ln((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x) = (1/((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)) * (x*(sinx)^(x-1)(d/dx)(sinx) + (1/(2√x))*(d/dx)(x^2))

Step 7: Simplify the equation: (d/dx) ln((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x) = (x*(sinx)^(x-1)cosx + (1/(2√x))*2x)/((sinx)^x + sin^−1√x)


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. x^x−2^sinx


Step 1: Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation: ln(x^x−2^sinx)

Step 2: Use the chain rule to differentiate: (x^x)(lnx)−2^sinx(ln2)cosx

Step 3: Simplify the expression: x^xlnx−2^sinxln2cosx


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. √[(x−1)(x−2)/(x−3)(x−4)(x−5)]


Step 1: Simplify the function as follows: √[(x-1)(x-2)/(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)] = (x-1)(x-2)/√[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)]

Step 2: Take the derivative of both sides with respect to x: d/dx [(x-1)(x-2)/√[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)]]

Step 3: Apply the chain rule to the left side: [d/dx (x-1)(x-2)]/√[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)] + (x-1)(x-2)[d/dx √[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)]]

Step 4: Take the derivative of the numerator: [2(x-2) - (x-1)(1)]/√[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)] + (x-1)(x-2)[(-1/2)((x-3)(x-4)(x-5)^(-1/2))(3x-15)]

Step 5: Simplify the expression: [(2x-4) - (x-1)]/√[(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)] + (x-1)(x-2)(3x-15)((x-3)(x-4)(x-5)^(-1/2))


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (xcosx)^x+(xsinx)^1/x


Step 1: Take the natural logarithm of both sides. ln[(xcosx)^x+(xsinx)^1/x]

Step 2: Apply the chain rule. x[(xcosx)^x]⋅ln(xcosx) + (1/x)[(xsinx)^1/x]⋅ln(xsinx)

Step 3: Apply the power rule. x[xcosx]^(x-1)⋅(cosx+xsinx) + (1/x)[xsinx]^(-1/x-1)⋅(cosx-sinx)

Step 4: Simplify. xcosx^(x-1)⋅(cosx+xsinx) + (1/x)sinx^(-1/x-1)⋅(cosx-sinx)


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (x+3)^2.(x+4)^3.(x+5)^4


Step 1: Take the derivative of the first term, (x + 3)2.

d/dx [ (x + 3)2 ] = 2(x + 3)

Step 2: Take the derivative of the second term, (x + 4)3.

d/dx [ (x + 4)3 ] = 3(x + 4)2

Step 3: Take the derivative of the third term, (x + 5)4.

d/dx [ (x + 5)4 ] = 4(x + 5)3

Step 4: Multiply the derivatives of the three terms together.

2(x + 3) * 3(x + 4)2 * 4(x + 5)3

Step 5: Simplify the expression.

24(x + 3)(x + 4)2(x + 5)3


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. (logx)^cosx


Step 1: Take the natural log of both sides: ln [(logx)^cosx]

Step 2: Use the Chain Rule to differentiate the expression: cosx * (1/x) * (1/lnx)

Step 3: Simplify the expression: cosx/xlnx


Find dy/dx of y^x=x^y


Step 1: Take the natural log of both sides of the equation: ln(y^x) = ln(x^y)

Step 2: Use the chain rule to differentiate both sides: (1/y)ln(y) dy/dx = (1/x)ln(x) dy/dx

Step 3: Isolate dy/dx on the left side: dy/dx = (x/y)ln(x/y) ln(y)


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. x^sinx+(sinx)^cosx


  1. Take the derivative of the inner function (sinx): d/dx (sinx) = cosx

  2. Take the derivative of the outer function (x^sinx): d/dx (x^sinx) = sinx x^(sinx-1)

  3. Take the derivative of the second term (sinx)^cosx: d/dx (sinx)^cosx = cosx (sinx)^(cosx-1) d/dx (sinx)

  4. Add the derivatives of the two terms: d/dx (x^sinx+(sinx)^cosx) = sinx x^(sinx-1) + cosx (sinx)^(cosx-1) d/dx (sinx)

  5. Simplify: d/dx (x^sinx+(sinx)^cosx) = sinx x^(sinx-1) + cosx (sinx)^(cosx-1) cosx


Differentiate the function w.r.t. x. cosx.cos2x.cos3x


Step 1: Take the derivative of the function w.r.t. x.

Step 2: Apply the product rule to differentiate the function.

Step 3: Simplify the expression to obtain the final result.

Answer: -sin(x)cos2x.cos3x - 2cosx.sin2x.cos3x - 3cosx.cos2x.sin3x