Reproduction:Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants – 5


graph TD; Flowers --> Angiosperms; Flowers --> Gymnosperms; Angiosperms --> Monocots; Angiosperms --> Dicots; Monocots --> Orchids; Monocots --> Lilies; Dicots --> Roses; Dicots --> Daisies; Gymnosperms --> Conifers; Gymnosperms --> Cycads;


graph TD; Fertilization --> Gametes; Fertilization --> Fusion; Fertilization --> Zygote; Gametes --> Egg; Gametes --> Sperm; Fusion --> Egg_and_Sperm; Zygote --> Embryo;

Entry Of Pollen Tube Into Ovule

graph TB A[Entry Of Pollen Tube Into Ovule] B[Pollen Grain] C[Pollen Tube] D[Stigma] E[Style] F[Ovary] G[Ovule] H[Sperm Cells] I[Synergid Cells] J[Egg Cell] K[Zygote] L[Endosperm] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F F --> G G --> H H --> I I --> J J --> K K --> L

Double Fertilization

graph TB A[Double Fertilization] B[Sperm Cells] C[Egg Cell] D[Polar Nuclei] E[Zygote] F[Endosperm] A --> B A --> C A --> D B --> E B --> F C --> E D --> F E -->|Results in| G[Embryo] F -->|Feeds| G


graph TD; Flower --> Petals; Flower --> Sepals; Flower --> Stamen; Flower --> Pistil; Petals --> Color; Petals --> Shape; Stamen --> Anther; Stamen --> Filament; Pistil --> Stigma; Pistil --> Style; Pistil --> Ovary;

Development Endosperm For Triploid Nucleus

graph TB A[Development Endosperm For Triploid Nucleus] A --> B[Formation of Triploid Nucleus] A --> C[Role in Seed Development] B --> D[Double Fertilization] B --> E[Endosperm Development] C --> F[Nutrient Supply] C --> G[Embryo Development] D --> H[Syngamy] D --> I[Penetration of Pollen Tube] E --> J[Cell Division] E --> K[Cell Differentiation] F --> L[Protein Synthesis] F --> M[Starch Synthesis] G --> N[Morphogenesis] G --> O[Organogenesis]

Endosperm Development

graph TB A[Endosperm Development] A --> B[Synthesis Phase] A --> C[Cellularization Phase] A --> D[Mature Phase] B --> E[Nuclear Division] B --> F[Nutrient Accumulation] C --> G[Cell Wall Formation] C --> H[Endosperm Cavity Formation] D --> I[Protein Bodies Formation] D --> J[Starch Grains Formation]

Fig A-D Stages In The Development Of Cellular Endosperm

graph TD; A[Fig A - Stage 1] --> B[Fig B - Stage 2]; B --> C[Fig C - Stage 3]; C --> D[Fig D - Stage 4]; style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; style B fill:#ccf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5; style C fill:#ff9,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5; style D fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;

Fig A-D Stages In The Development Of Helobial Endosperm

graph TB A[Fig A - Initial Stage] --> B[Fig B - Cell Division Stage] B --> C[Fig C - Endosperm Formation Stage] C --> D[Fig D - Mature Endosperm Stage]

Development Of Embryo (Dicot)

graph TD; A[Development Of Embryo (Dicot)]; A --> B[Zygote]; B --> C[Proembryo]; C --> D[Globular Stage]; D --> E[Heart Stage]; E --> F[Torpedo Stage]; F --> G[Mature Embryo]; G --> H[Cotyledons]; G --> I[Radicle]; G --> J[Plumule];

Development Of Embryo (Monocot)

graph TD; A[Development Of Embryo (Monocot)]; A --> B[Stage 1]; A --> C[Stage 2]; A --> D[Stage 3]; B --> E[Subtopic 1.1]; B --> F[Subtopic 1.2]; C --> G[Subtopic 2.1]; C --> H[Subtopic 2.2]; D --> I[Subtopic 3.1]; D --> J[Subtopic 3.2];

Development Of Seed

graph TD; A[Development Of Seed]; B[Fertilization]; C[Embryo Development]; D[Seed Maturation]; E[Seed Dispersal]; F[Seed Germination]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E; E-->F; B-->|Process 1|G[Syngamy]; B-->|Process 2|H[Double Fertilization]; C-->|Stage 1|I[Zygote]; C-->|Stage 2|J[Proembryo]; C-->|Stage 3|K[Mature Embryo]; D-->|Phase 1|L[Cell Enlargement]; D-->|Phase 2|M[Accumulation of Storage Materials]; D-->|Phase 3|N[Desiccation]; E-->|Method 1|O[Wind]; E-->|Method 2|P[Water]; E-->|Method 3|Q[Animals]; F-->|Step 1|R[Imbibition]; F-->|Step 2|S[Activation of Metabolism]; F-->|Step 3|T[Emergence of Radicle];

Seed Germination

graph TD; A[Seed Germination]; B[Water Absorption]; C[Activation of Enzymes]; D[Respiration Increase]; E[Protein Synthesis]; F[Cell Division]; G[Emergence of Radicle]; H[Emergence of Plumule]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E; E-->F; F-->G; G-->H;

Development Of Fruits

graph TB A[Development Of Fruits] A --> B[Fruit Formation] B --> C[Flower] B --> D[Ovary] D --> E[Pollination] E --> F[Fertilization] F --> G[Seed Development] G --> H[Maturation] A --> I[Types of Fruits] I --> J[Simple Fruits] J --> K[Aggregate Fruits] J --> L[Multiple Fruits] A --> M[Dispersal of Fruits] M --> N[By Wind] M --> O[By Water] M --> P[By Animals]


graph TD; Fruita-->Biology; Biology-->Cell; Biology-->Genetics; Biology-->Evolution; Biology-->Ecology; Biology-->Physiology;


graph TB A[Apomixis] A --> B[Types of Apomixis] B --> C[Vegetative Apomixis] B --> D[Agamospermy] A --> E[Advantages of Apomixis] E --> F[Genetic Uniformity] E --> G[Time and Energy Efficient] A --> H[Disadvantages of Apomixis] H --> I[Lack of Genetic Variation] H --> J[Reduced Adaptability]