Human Physiology:Breathing and Exchange of Gases – 3

Transport of Gases

graph TB A[Transport of Gases] A --> B[Oxygen Transport] B --> C[In Lungs] B --> D[In Blood] B --> E[In Tissues] A --> F[Carbon Dioxide Transport] F --> G[In Tissues] F --> H[In Blood] F --> I[In Lungs]

Human Red Blood cells

graph TB A[Human Red Blood Cells] B[Structure] C[Function] D[Production] E[Lifespan] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E B --> F[Shape] B --> G[Size] C --> H[Oxygen Transport] C --> I[Carbon Dioxide Transport] D --> J[Bone Marrow] D --> K[Erythropoiesis] E --> L[120 Days] E --> M[Old Cell Removal]

Oxygen percentage graph

graph TB A[Oxygen Percentage] --> B[Atmosphere] A --> C[Human Body] B --> D[21%] C --> E[Varies]


graph TD; Plasma --> Proteins; Plasma --> Water; Plasma --> Electrolytes; Plasma --> Gases; Plasma --> Nutrients; Plasma --> Hormones; Plasma --> Waste_Products; Proteins --> Albumins; Proteins --> Globulins; Proteins --> Fibrinogen; Electrolytes --> Sodium; Electrolytes --> Potassium; Electrolytes --> Calcium; Electrolytes --> Bicarbonate; Gases --> Oxygen; Gases --> Carbon_Dioxide; Nutrients --> Glucose; Nutrients --> Amino_Acids; Nutrients --> Fatty_Acids; Hormones --> Insulin; Hormones --> Glucagon; Waste_Products --> Urea; Waste_Products --> Creatinine;

Regulation of Respiration

graph TB A[Regulation of Respiration] A --> B[Chemical Regulation] B --> C[Central Chemoreceptors] B --> D[Peripheral Chemoreceptors] A --> E[Neural Regulation] E --> F[Respiratory Centers in Medulla] E --> G[Pontine Respiratory Group] A --> H[Physical Factors] H --> I[Exercise] H --> J[Altitude] H --> K[Temperature] H --> L[Voluntary Control]


graph TB P(Pneumonia) P --> C[Cause] C --> B[Bacteria] C --> V[Virus] C --> F[Fungi] P --> S[Symptoms] S --> Cough[Cough] S --> Fever[Fever] S --> Chills[Chills] S --> ShortnessOfBreath[Shortness of Breath] P --> T[Treatment] T --> AB[Antibiotics] T --> AR[Antivirals] T --> AF[Antifungals] T --> Rest[Rest and Fluids]


graph TD; A[Asthma]; B[Causes]; C[Symptoms]; D[Treatment]; E[Prevention]; F[Risk Factors]; G[Types]; H[Triggers]; I[Diagnosis]; J[Management]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G; A-->H; A-->I; A-->J; B-->BA[Genetics]; B-->BB[Environment]; C-->CA[Shortness of Breath]; C-->CB[Wheezing]; D-->DA[Medication]; D-->DB[Therapies]; E-->EA[Avoid Triggers]; E-->EB[Regular Check-ups]; F-->FA[Family History]; F-->FB[Allergies]; G-->GA[Child-Onset Asthma]; G-->GB[Adult-Onset Asthma]; H-->HA[Pollen]; H-->HB[Smoke]; I-->IA[Physical Examination]; I-->IB[Lung Function Tests]; J-->JA[Long-term Asthma Control Medications]; J-->JB[Quick-relief (rescue) Medications];