Current Electricity Question 7

Question 7 - 25 January - Shift 2

The resistance of a wire is $5 \Omega$. It’s new resistance

in ohm if stretched to 5 times of it’s original length will be :

(1) 625

(2) 5

(3) 125

(4) 25

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Answer: (3)


Formula: Resistance of a conductor

$R _{\text{initial }}=\frac{\rho \ell}{A}=5 \Omega$


$\because$ Volume of wire is constant in stretching


$A_i \ell_i=A_f \ell_f$

$A \ell=A^{\prime}(5 \ell)$


$R_f=\frac{\rho \ell_f}{A_f}=\frac{\rho(5 \ell)}{(\frac{A}{5})}$

$=25(\frac{\rho \ell}{A})$

$=25 \times 5=125 \Omega$