Wave Motion 4 Question 8

8. A train is moving on a straight track with speed $20 ms^{-1}$. It is blowing its whistle at the frequency of $1000 Hz$. The percentage change in the frequency heard by a person standing near the track as the train passes him is close to (speed of sound $=320 ms^{-1}$ )

(2015 Main)

(a) $12 %$

(b) $6 %$

(c) $18 %$

(d) $24 %$

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Correct Answer: 8. (b)


  1. Observer is stationary and source is moving.

During approach, $f _1=f \frac{v}{v-v _s}$

$$ =1000\left(\frac{320}{320-20}\right)=1066.67 Hz $$

During recede, $f _2=f\left(\frac{v}{v+v _s}\right)$

$$ =1000\left(\frac{320}{320+20}\right)=941.18 Hz $$

$\mid %$ change in frequency $\mid=\left(\frac{f _1-f _2}{f _1}\right) \times 100 \approx 12 %$

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