Wave Motion 2 Question 35

35. An air column in a pipe, which is closed at one end, will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork of frequency $264 Hz$, if the length of the column in $cm$ is (Speed of sound in air $=330 m / s$ )

$(1985,2 M)$

(a) 31.25

(b) 62.50

(c) 93.75

(d) 125

Fill in the Blanks

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Correct Answer: 35. (a, c)


  1. For closed organ pipe,

$$ \begin{array}{ll} & f=n\left(\frac{v}{4 l}\right) \text { where, } n=1,3,5 \ldots \ldots \\ \therefore & l=\frac{n v}{4 f} \\ \text { For } n=1, & l _1=\frac{(1)(330)}{4 \times 264} \times 100 cm=31.25 cm \\ \text { For } n=3, & l _3=3 l _1=93.75 cm \\ \text { For } n=5, & l _5=5 l _1=156.25 cm \\ \therefore \quad \text { Correct options are (a) and (c). } \end{array} $$

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