Simple Harmonic Motion 5 Question 18

23. Function $x=A \sin ^{2} \omega t+B \cos ^{2} \omega t+C \sin \omega t \cos \omega t$ represents SHM

(a) For any value of $A, B$ and $C$ (except $C=0$ )

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(b) If $A=-B, C=2 B$, amplitude $=|B \sqrt{2}|$

(c) If $A=B ; C=0$

(d) If $A=B ; C=2 B$, amplitude $=|B|$

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Correct Answer: 23. (a) $\theta=\tan ^{-1} \frac{1}{5}$

(b) $2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{R}{6.11}}$


  1. For $A=-B$ and $C=2 B$

$$ \begin{aligned} X & =B \cos 2 \omega t+B \sin 2 \omega t \\ & =\sqrt{2} B \sin 2 \omega t+\frac{\pi}{4} \end{aligned} $$

This is equation of SHM of amplitude $\sqrt{2} B$.

If $A=B$ and $C=2 B$, then $X=B+B \sin 2 \omega t$

This is also equation of SHM about the point $X=B$. Function oscillates between $X=0$ and $X=2 B$ with amplitude $B$.

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