Rotation 3 Question 9

15. The centre of mass of the disk undergoes simple harmonic motion with angular frequency $\omega$ equal to

$(2008,4 M)$

(a) $\sqrt{\frac{k}{M}}$

(b) $\sqrt{\frac{2 k}{M}}$

(c) $\sqrt{\frac{2 k}{3 M}}$

(d) $\sqrt{\frac{4 k}{3 M}}$

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Correct Answer: 15. (d)


  1. $F _{\text {net }}=-\frac{4 k x}{3} x$

$$ \begin{array}{rlrl} & \therefore & a & =\frac{F _{\text {net }}}{M}=-\frac{4 k}{3 M} x=-\omega^{2} x \\ \therefore & \omega & =\sqrt{\frac{4 k}{3 M}} \end{array} $$

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