Properties of Matter 1 Question 16

16. In plotting stress versus strain curves for two materials $P$ and $Q$, a student by mistake puts strain on the $Y$-axis and stress on the $X$-axis as shown in the figure. Then the correct statements is/are

(2015 Adv.)

(a) $P$ has more tensile strength than $Q$

(b) $P$ is more ductile than $Q$

(c) $P$ is more brittle than $Q$

(d) The Young’s modulus of $P$ is more than that of $Q$

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Correct Answer: 16. $\frac{M g}{3 A K}$


  1. $Y=\frac{\text { stress }}{\text { strain }}$

or $Y \propto \frac{1}{\text { strain }}$

(for same stress say $\sigma$ )

$(\text { strain }) _Q<(\text { strain }) _P$

$\Rightarrow Y _Q>Y _P$

So, $P$ is more ductile than $Q$. Further, from the given figure we can also see that breaking stress of $P$ is more than $Q$. So, it has more tensile strength.

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