Optics 1 Question 9

9. A short linear object of length $b$ lies along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length $f$ at a distance $u$ from the pole of the mirror. The size of the image is approximately equal to

(a) $b \frac{u-f^{1 / 2}}{f}$

(b) $b \frac{f}{u-f}$

(c) $b \frac{u-f}{f}$

(d) $b \frac{f^{2}}{u-f}$

Assertion and Reason

Mark your answer as

(a) If Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement I.

(b) If Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is not a correct explanation for Statement I.

(d) If Statement I is false; Statement II is true.

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Correct Answer: 9. (d)


  1. From the mirror formula

$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u} & =\frac{1}{f} \quad(f=\text { constant }) \\ -v^{-2} d v-u^{-2} d u & =0 \\ |d v| & =\frac{v^{2}}{u^{2}}|d u| \end{aligned} $$

Here, $|d v|=$ size of image

$|d u|=$ size of object (short) lying along the axis $=b$

Further, from Eq. (i), we can find

$$ \frac{v^{2}}{u^{2}}=\frac{f}{u-f} $$

Substituting these values in Eq. (ii), we get

Size of image $=b \frac{f}{u-f}$

$\therefore$ Correct option is (d).

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