Modern Physics 5 Question 8

8. In the options given below, let $E$ denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and $n$ a neutron. The correct option is

(a) $E\left({ } _{92}^{236} U\right)>E\left({ } _{53}^{137} I\right)+E\left({ } _{39}^{97} Y\right)+2 E(n)$

(2007, 3M)

(b) $E\left({ } _{92}^{236} U\right)<E\left({ } _{53}^{137} I\right)+E\left({ } _{39}^{97} Y\right)+2 E(n)$

(c) $E\left({ } _{92}^{236} U\right)<E\left({ } _{56}^{140} Ba\right)+E\left({ } _{36}^{94} Kr\right)+2 E(n)$

(d) $E\left({ } _{92}^{235} U\right)<E\left({ } _{56}^{140} Ba\right)+E\left({ } _{36}^{94} Kr\right)+E(n)$

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Correct Answer: 8. (b)


  1. Rest mass of parent nucleus should be greater than the rest mass of daughter nuclei. Therefore, option (a) will be correct.

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