Modern Physics 5 Question 17

18. The correct statement is

(a) The nucleus ${ } _3^{6} Li$ can emit an alpha particle.

(b) The nucleus ${ } _{84}^{210}$ Po can emit a proton.

(c) Deuteron and alpha particle can undergo complete fusion.

(d) The nuclei ${ } _{30}^{70} Zn$ and ${ } _{34}^{82} Se$ can undergo complete fusion.

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Correct Answer: 18. (b)


  1. (a) ${ } _3 Li^{7} \rightarrow{ } _2 He^{4}+{ } _1 H^{3}$

$$ \begin{aligned} \Delta m & =\left[M _{Li}-M _{He}-M _{H^{3}}\right] \\ & =[6.01513-4.002603-3.016050] \\ & =-1.003523 u \end{aligned} $$

$\Delta m$ is negative so reaction is not possible.

(b) ${ } _{84} Po^{210} \rightarrow{ } _{83} Bi^{209}+{ } _1 P^{1}$

$\Delta m$ is negative so reaction is not possible.

(c) ${ } _1 H^{2} \rightarrow{ } _2 He^{4}+{ } _3 Li^{6}$

$\Delta m$ is positive so reaction is possible.

(d) ${ } _{30} Zn^{70}+{ } _{34} Se^{82} \rightarrow{ } _{64} Gd^{152}$

$\Delta m$ is positive so reaction is not possible.

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