Modern Physics 1 Question 22

19. A hydrogen atom and a $Li^{2+}$ ion are both in the second excited state. If $l _H$ and $l _{Li}$ are their respective electronic angular momenta, and $E _H$ and $E _{Li}$ their respective energies, then

(2002, 2M)

(a) $l _H>l _{Li}$ and $\left|E _H\right|>\left|E _{Li}\right|$

(b) $l _H=l _{Li}$ and $\left|E _H\right|<\left|E _{Li}\right|$

(c) $l _H=l _{Li}$ and $\left|E _H\right|>\left|E _{Li}\right|$

(d) $l _H<l _{Li}$ and $\left|E _H\right|<\left|E _{Li}\right|$

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  1. In second excited state $n=3$,

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \text { So, } & l _H=l _{Li}=3 \frac{h}{2 \pi} \\ \text { while } & E \propto Z^{2} \\ \text { and } & Z _H=1, Z _{Li}=3 \end{array} $$

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \text { So, } & \left|E _{Li}\right|=9\left|E _H\right| \\ \text { or } & \left|E _H\right|<\left|E _{Li}\right| \end{array} $$

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