Kinematics 3 Question 7

7. Statement I For an observer looking out through the window of a fast moving train, the nearby objects appear to move in the opposite direction to the train, while the distant objects appear to be stationary.

Statement II If the observer and the object are moving at velocities $\mathbf{v} _1$ and $\mathbf{v} _2$, respectively with reference to a laboratory frame, the velocity of the object with respect to the observer is $\mathbf{v} _2-\mathbf{v} _1$.

(2008, 3M)

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Correct Answer: 7. (b)


Statement II, is the formula of relative velocity. But it does not explain Statement I correctly. The correct explanation of statement I is due to visual perception of motion. The object appears to be moving faster, when its angular velocity is greater w.r.t. observer.

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