Heat and Thermodynamics 4 Question 30

32. At room temperature, the rms speed of the molecules of a certain diatomic gas is found to be $1930 m / s$. The gas is

(a) $H _2$

(b) $F _2$

(c) $O _2$

(d) $Cl _2$

Assertion and Reason

Mark your answer as

(a) If Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement I

(b) If Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is not a correct explanation for Statement I

(c) If Statement I is true; Statement II is false

(d) If Statement I is false; Statement II is true

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  1. $v _{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{3 R T}{M}}$

Room temperature $T \approx 300 K$

$$ \begin{aligned} & \therefore \quad 1930=\sqrt{\frac{3 \times 8.31 \times 10^{3} \times 300}{M}} \\ & \therefore \quad M=2.0 g / mol \text { or the gas is } H _2 \text {. } \end{aligned} $$

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