Gravitation 4 Question 4

5. Imagine a light planet revolving around a very massive star in a circular orbit of radius $R$ with a period of revolution T. If the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and the star is proportional to $R^{-5 / 2}$, then

$(1989,2 M)$

(a) $T^{2}$ is proportional to $R^{2}$

(b) $T^{2}$ is proportional to $R^{7 / 2}$

(c) $T^{2}$ is proportional to $R^{3 / 2}$

(d) $T^{2}$ is proportional to $R^{3.75}$

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Correct Answer: 5. (b)


  1. $\frac{m v^{2}}{R} \propto R^{-5 / 2}$

$$ \begin{aligned} & \therefore \quad v \propto R^{-3 / 4} \\ & \text { Now, } \quad T=\frac{2 \pi R}{v} \quad \text { or } T^{2} \propto \frac{R}{v}^{2} \\ & \text { or } \\ & T^{2} \propto{\frac{R}{R^{-3 / 4}}}^{2} \text { or } T^{2} \propto R^{7 / 2} \end{aligned} $$

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