Electrostatics 6 Question 7

7. At time $t=0$, a battery of $10 V$ is connected across points $A$ and $B$ in the given circuit. If the capacitors have no charge initially, at what time (in second) does the voltage across them become $4 V$ ? [Take : $\ln 5=1.6, \ln 3=1.1$ ]


Analytical & Descriptive Questions

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  1. Voltage across the capacitors will increase from 0 to $10 V$ exponentially. The voltage at time $t$ will be given by

$$ \begin{array}{rlrl} & V & =10\left(1-e^{-t / \tau} C\right) \\ \text { Here, } \quad \tau _c & =C _{\text {net }} R _{\text {net }} \\ & =\left(1 \times 10^{6}\right)\left(4 \times 10^{-6}\right)=4 s \\ \therefore \quad V & =10\left(1-e^{-t / 4}\right) \end{array} $$

Substituting $V=4$ volt, we have

$$ \begin{aligned} 4 & =10\left(1-e^{-t / 4}\right) \\ \text { or } \quad e^{-t / 4} & =0.6=\frac{3}{5} \end{aligned} $$

Taking log on both sides we have,

$$ \begin{aligned} -\frac{t}{4} & =\ln 3-\ln 5 \\ \text { or } \quad t & =4(\ln 5-\ln 3)=2 s \end{aligned} $$

Hence, the answer is 2 .

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