Electrostatics 6 Question 5

5. In the given circuit, with steady current, the potential difference across the capacitor must be

$(2001,2 M)$

(a) $V$

(b) $V / 2$

(c) $V / 3$

(d) $2 V / 3$

Objective Questions II (One or more correct option)

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  1. In steady state condition, no current will flow through the capacitor $C$. Current in the outer circuit,

$$ i=\frac{2 V-V}{2 R+R}=\frac{V}{3 R} $$

Potential difference between $A$ and $B$

$$ \begin{aligned} \quad V _A-V+V+i R & =V _B \\ \therefore \quad V _B-V _A & =i R=\frac{V}{3 R} \quad R=\frac{V}{3} \end{aligned} $$

NOTE In this problem charge stored in the capacitor can also be asked, which is equal to $q=C \frac{V}{3}$ with positive charge on $B$ side and negative on $A$ side because $V _B>V _A$.

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