Electrostatics 6 Question 13

13. Calculate the steady state current in the $2 \Omega$ resistor shown in the circuit (see figure). The internal resistance of the battery is negligible and the capacitance of the condenser $C$ is $0.2 \mu F$.

$(1982,5 M)$

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  1. In steady state situation no current will flow through the capacitor. $2 \Omega$ and $3 \Omega$ are in parallel.

Therefore, their combined resistance will be

$$ R=\frac{2 \times 3}{2+3}=1.2 \Omega $$

Net current through the battery

$$ i=\frac{6}{1.2+2.8}=1.5 A $$

This current will distribute in inverse ratio of their resistances in $2 \Omega$ and $3 \Omega$.

$$ \begin{array}{rlrl} \therefore & & \frac{i _2}{i _3} & =\frac{3}{2} \\ \text { or } & i _2 & =\frac{3}{3+2} \quad(1.5)=0.9 A \end{array} $$

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