Electrostatics 5 Question 30

32. Two identical metal plates are given positive charges $Q _1$ and $Q _2\left(<Q _1\right)$ respectively. If they are now brought close together to form a parallel plate capacitor with capacitance $C$, the potential difference between them is

(1999, 2M)

(a) $\left(Q _1+Q _2\right) / 2 C$

(b) $\left(Q _1+Q _2\right) / C$

(c) $\left(Q _1-Q _2\right) / C$

(d) $\left(Q _1-Q _2\right) / 2 C$

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  1. Electric field within the plates $\mathbf{E}=\mathbf{E} _{Q _1}+\mathbf{E} _{Q _2}$

$\therefore$ Potential difference between the plates

$$ V _A-V _B=E d=\frac{Q _1-Q _2}{2 A \varepsilon _0} \quad d=\frac{Q _1-Q _2}{2 \frac{A \varepsilon _0}{d}}=\frac{Q _1-Q _2}{2 C} $$

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