Electrostatics 5 Question 1

1. In the given circuit, the charge on $4 \mu F$ capacitor will be

(Main 2019, 12 April II)

(a) $5.4 \mu C$

(b) $9.6 \mu C$

(c) $13.4 \mu C$

(d) $24 \mu C$

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Correct Answer: 1. (c)


  1. Given circuit is

In parallel, $C _{eq}=5+1=6 \mu F$

and in series, $C _{eq}^{\prime}=\frac{6 \times 4}{6+4}=2.4 \mu F$

This is equivalent to

So, potential difference across upper branch $=10 V$ Using, $Q=C \times V$, charge delivered to upper branch is

$$ \begin{aligned} Q & =C _{eq}^{\prime} \cdot V=2.4 \mu F \times 10 V \\ & =24 \mu C \end{aligned} $$

As we know, in series connection, same charge is shared by capacitors, so charge on $4 \mu F$ capacitor and $6 \mu F$ capacitor would be same,


$$ Q _{4 \mu F}^{\prime}=24 \mu C $$

Alternate Solution

The circuit obtained,

This can be further simplified as, $2.4 \mu F$ and $3 \mu F$ are in parallel.

So, net capacitance, $C _{\text {net }}=2.4+3=5.4 \mu F$

Net charge flow through circuit,

$$ Q=C _{net} V=5.4 \times 10=54 \mu C $$

$\therefore$ This charge will be distributed in the ratio of capacitance in the two branches $A B$ and $C D$ as

$$ \frac{Q _1}{Q _2}=\frac{2.4}{3}=\frac{4}{5} \Rightarrow 9 x=54 \mu C \text { or } x=6 \mu C $$

$\therefore$ Charge on $4 \mu F$ capacitor is $=4 \times 6 \mu C=24 \mu C$

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