Electrostatics 2 Question 22

23. A point charge $q$ moves from point $P$ to point $S$ along the path $P Q R S$ (Fig.) in a uniform electric field $E$ pointing parallel to the positive direction of the $X$-axis. The coordinates of points $P, Q, R$ and $S$ are $(a, b, 0)$,

$(2 a, 0,0)(a,-b, 0)(0,0,0)$ respectively. The work done by the field in the above process is given by the expression ……

$(1989,2 M)$

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  1. $W _{F e}=\mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{d} \quad(\mathbf{d}=$ displacement $)$

$=(q E \hat{\mathbf{i}}) \cdot\left[\mathbf{r} _s-\mathbf{r} _p\right]=q E \hat{\mathbf{i}} \cdot[(-a \hat{\mathbf{i}}-b \hat{\mathbf{j}})]=-q E a$

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