Electrostatics 2 Question 20

21. For spherical symmetrical charge distribution, variation of electric potential with distance from centre is given in diagram. Given that

(2006, 5M)

$$ V=\frac{q}{4 \pi \varepsilon _0 R _0} \text { for } r \leq R _0 \text { and } V=\frac{q}{4 \pi \varepsilon _0 r} \text { for } r \geq R _0 $$

Then, which option(s) are correct

(a) Total charge within $2 R _0$ is $q$

(b) Total electrostatic energy for $r \leq R _0$ is zero

(c) At $r=R _0$ electric field is discontinuous

(d) There will be no charge anywhere except at $r=R _0$

Fill in the Blanks

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  1. The given graph is of charged conducting sphere of radius $R _0$. The whole charge $q$ distributes on the surface of the sphere.

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