Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 7 Question 18

####18. In the method using the transformers, assume that the ratio of the number of turns in the primary to that in the secondary in the step-up transformer is $1: 10$. If the power to the consumers has to be supplied at $200 V$, the ratio of the number of turns in the primary to that in the secondary in the step-down transformer is

(a) $200: 1$

(b) $150: 1$

(c) $100: 1$

(d) $50: 1$

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Correct Answer: 18. (a)


  1. During step-up, $\frac{N _p}{N _s}=\frac{V _p}{V _s}$ or $\frac{1}{10}=\frac{4000}{V _s}$

or $\quad V _s=40000 V$

In step down transformer,

$$ \frac{N _p}{N _s}=\frac{V _p}{V _s}=\frac{40000}{200}=\frac{200}{1} $$

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