Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 6 Question 7

####7. When an AC source of emf $e=E _0$ $\sin (100 t)$ is connected across a circuit, the phase difference between the emf $e$ and the current $i$ in the circuit is observed to be $\frac{\pi}{4}$

ahead, as shown in the diagram. If the circuit consists possibly only of $R-C$ or $R-L$ or $L-C$ in series, find the relationship between the two elements.

(2003, 2M)

(a) $R=1 k \Omega, C=10 \mu F$

(b) $R=1 k \Omega, C=1 \mu F$

(c) $R=1 k \Omega, L=10 H$

(d) $R=1 k \Omega, L=1 H$

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Correct Answer: 7. (a)


  1. As the current $i$ leads the emf $e$ by $\pi / 4$, it is an $R-C$ circuit.

$$ \begin{array}{rlrl} & & \tan \varphi & =\frac{X _C}{R} \\ & \text { or } & \tan \frac{\pi}{4} & =\frac{1}{\omega C} \\ & \therefore & \omega C R & =1 \\ \text { As } & \omega & =100 rad / s \end{array} $$

The product of $C-R$ should be $\frac{1}{100} s^{-1}$

Option (a) satisfy this condition.

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