Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 4 Question 21

####21. A solenoid has an inductance of $10 H$ and a resistance of $2 \Omega$. It is connected to a $10 V$ battery. How long will it take for the magnetic energy to reach $1 / 4$ of its maximum value?

$(1996,3 M)$

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Correct Answer: 21. 3.465 s


  1. $U=\frac{1}{2} L i^{2}$ i.e. $U \propto i^{2}$

$U$ will reach $\frac{1}{4}$ th of its maximum value when current is reached half of its maximum value. In $L-R$ circuit, equation of current growth is written as

$$ i=i _0\left(1-e^{-t / \tau _L}\right) $$

Here, $i _0=$ Maximum value of current

$\tau _L=$ Time constant $=L / R$

$$ \tau _L=\frac{10 H}{2 \Omega}=5 s $$

Therefore, $\quad i=i _0 / 2=i _0\left(1-e^{-t / 5}\right)$

$$ \begin{aligned} & \text { or } & \frac{1}{2} & =1-e^{-t / 5} \text { or } e^{-t / 5}=\frac{1}{2} \\ & \text { or } & -t / 5 & =\ln \frac{1}{2} \text { or } \quad t / 5=\ln (2)=0.693 \\ \therefore & & t & =(5)(0.693) \text { or } \quad t=3.465 s \end{aligned} $$

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